the first world war 1914-1918


question and answers
nikkita jey
Flashcards by nikkita jey, updated more than 1 year ago
nikkita jey
Created by nikkita jey over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what were the great powers in european history on the eve of 20th century? britain, france, italy, germany, austria-hungary,ottoman turkish empire and russia.
what were the 2 province france lost after its war with germany in 1870? alsace and lorraine
in which year did czarist russia suffer a humiliating defeat by japan? 1904- 1905
which empire was called the sickman of europe? turkey.
which country followed the policy of splendid isolation? britain. it detatched itself from european politics and tried to expand its trade outside europe.
who was delcasse? he was an anti-german expansionist.
which countries signed the entente cordiale in 1904? britain and france
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