Textiles key points


Be prepared for the exams
Flashcards by jazzycloggs, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jazzycloggs almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Pressing equipment
Textiles Any product made from a fabric
Standard sewing machine Join fabrics, basic embroidery and basic features
Embroidery machine Used simply for decorative stitches and are more likely to be used in industrial textiles
Computerised sewing machine Advanced machine with a professional finish
Overlocker Specialised for joining and finishing fabrics, they can be used for making decorative edging
Pinking sheers Decorative finish and prevents fraying
Primary research Getting information yourself
Secondary research Info collected from other people
Disassembly of a product Taking apart the product and identifying its features
Focus group Bring together a small group of people to find out info by asking them questions about e.g how they would use a coat and how they feel about the coat
Sources for designs Nature,art, architecture,events,cinema,travel...
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