Psychology Main Study Tales


Psychology Flashcards on Psychology Main Study Tales, created by Katie Mortley on 18/04/2013.
Katie Mortley
Flashcards by Katie Mortley, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Mortley
Created by Katie Mortley almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
18 year old Peter and his 3 year old son Peter both talk nonsense, but Peter Jrs memory is better 1959: duration of STM, nonsense trigrams, 90% 3 seconds, 2% 18 seconds = STM duration 18secs
Kevin and Gwen had to go for blood test and the second time they were more stressed because they had less Nugget Khicken Kiecolt-Glaser et al: blood samples before and during exam period, less NK cell activity in 2nd sample
Ray moved house onto a boat and was seasick Rahe et al: US Navy men, questionnaire on stress before duty. Then illness score during duty. Correlation of life changes units and illness
Maddie had cut her job application so was mostly stressed but a bit okay because she could glue it Maddi et al: US employees, cutting workforce, 2/3 =stress health problems. 1/3 thrived
For student exams they had to give speeches on a field but on the day of the speech slugs bombarded the field Asked students to prepare small talks, studied them during exams. Antibody SlgA increased for talks, decreased during exams
Mary wanted to be punched before her exam so she had a bruise that would last to get out of it Marucha: punch biopsies took 40% longer to heal 3 days before exam than in holidays
Ricky read nurses diarys and his comedy declined because he wasn't paying attention to his job therefore it was a strain Gervias: nurses kept diary for a month, recorded daily hassles + uplifts + rated performance. Hassles increased job strain + decreased performance.
Albert liked rats until it exploded and made a loud bang then he was scared of rats incase they exploded again Little Albert: Watson and Rayner; test response to rat, no response, included loud noise with rat, response to rat alone
Beer is a depressant so you hate the world and yourself and the future Beck: cognitive triad, cycle in depressed patients, the world, the self, and future
After 2 years of watching the simpsons, ellie annoyed her sister cassandra by saying 'doh' DOH report: 30% of ECT patients had permanent fear and anxiety after 2 years
Ellis modelled for the ABC TV channel Ellis: ABC model, activating event, belief, consequence.
Jehovah's witnesses knocked on Mrs. Health's door and gaver her a checklist of their 6 beliefs Jahoda: deviation from mental health model ,self attitude, personal growth, master of environment, intergration, autonomy, perception of reality
A 12 year old boy found 65 millipedes with 300 legs each Milgram: teacher gave increasingly strong electric shocks to learner when question was wrong. 65% went to 450V, all went to 300V. 12.5% stopped when the learner objected
students got caught smoking so they had to write lines but Con didnt stay so 36 of the other students left too Asch: comparing 3 lines to a 4th when others were answering wrong. 36.8% conformed
At the altar Nora had the flu, causing her fiance to be stressed Malarky: Newlyweds discussed marital issues, changes in noradrenaline and adrenaline = poorer immune functioning
Kirsty was a 38 year old woman, she recovered from depression by setting up a bow tie shop Kirsch: 38 studies of antidepressants, patients with placebos did almost as well as those on the real drug
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