

Undergraduate Psychology (Social) Flashcards on Piliavin, created by mad-megz165 on 14/04/2013.
Flashcards by mad-megz165, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mad-megz165 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
SOCIAL Piliavin (1969) Good Samaritan Aim: investigate the effect of variables on helping behavior (Responsibility of victim; race of victim; effect of model; effect of group size).
Method: field experiment. IV's- type of victim, race of victim, presence of model, no. of bystanders. DV's- time taken for help to be given; no. of passengers who helped; gender/race/location of every helper; after the model, time taken for help.
PP's: 4450 men and women who used the trains on a weekday between 11am and 3pm. 45% black, 55% white. A team of 4 (2 men/ 2 women) acted out the emergency where the women were the recorders and the men were the victim and the model.
The emergency: The male victim would wait about 70 secs before stumbling forward and then collapse on the floor where he would wait for help. Conditions: Victim was either 'cane' or 'drunk'. The model was either late (150 secs)/early (70 secs) and in the adjacent/critical area
Observers noted race, sex and location of everyone in the critical area, along with the total no. of people in the carriage. Both observers note spontaneous comments made too.
Findings: The cane victim received help 95% of the time whereas the drunk victim was only 50%. Of the spontaneous helpers, 90% were male. There was a tendency of same race help, especially in the drunk victim condition. There was no strong relationship between the group size and speed of help.
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