Minority Influence and Social Change


Psychology (Social Influence) Flashcards on Minority Influence and Social Change, created by smita089 on 14/04/2013.
Flashcards by smita089, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by smita089 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Explain what Moscovici's explanation of minority influence is. Moscovici - if an individual is exposed to a persuasive argument under certain conditions, they may change their views to match those of the minority.
What are the conditions for minority influence to cause social change? Drawing attention to an issue - being exposed to a minority viewpoint creates a conflict which the individual is motivated to reduce. Role of conflict - causes us to examine the minority position more deeply, which may result in a move towards that position. Consistency - When minorities express their arguments consistently they are taken more seriously and are more likely to bring about social change. Wood et al - meta-analysis of 97 studies showed minorities seen as being consistent were particularly influential at changing views of the majority. Augmentation principle - if there is risk of putting forward a particular view, those who express those views are taken more seriously by others.
Evaluate minority influence as a cause of social change. Analysis of suffragettes: Drawing attention to an issue - used a variety of educational, political and militant tactics to draw attention to the fact that women were denied the same political rights as men. Role of conflict - advocated different political arrangement to that already in place. Consistency - suffragettes were consistent in expressing their position, regardless of the attitudes of those around them. Augmentation principle - suffragettes were willing to suffer to make their point, risking imprisonment or even death from hunger strike. Doesn't necessarily lead to social change: lack social power and are seen as 'deviant' by the majority. Their influence may be more latent than real. Real world application: Kruglanski - social change due to terrorism may be understood using principles of social change. Terrorists are consistent in their actions. Terrorists are willing to die for their actions (augmentation principle).
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