Cripps Mission


A-Level History (India year 12) Flashcards on Cripps Mission, created by savanna q on 13/12/2013.
savanna q
Flashcards by savanna q, updated more than 1 year ago
savanna q
Created by savanna q about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what was the underlying reason for the mission? (2 answers) to please the Americans + keep them onside and to allow Churchill to portray Cripps (a political opponent) as a failure
What did Cripps falsely offer the Indians? An Indian defense minister on the executive council
What was Congress' main reaction to the offer and why? They rejected the offer because they wanted purna swaraj only.
Why was Cripps sent to India? To offer Indians dominion status
What did Congress launch soon after the Cripps mission? Quit India Movement
How were Congress seen after the mission? non-negotiable and awkward
Did the US give Britain support after the movement? YES, they saw Britain as trying so gave support
Who did Cripps annoy by going to India with no warning? Linithgow
Why was the ML's (Muslim's?) status enhanced after the mission? because they were more willing to negotiate than Congress
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