Music History 1


Flashcards on Untitled, created by shirlybirly12 on 06/12/2015.
Flashcards by shirlybirly12, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shirlybirly12 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When was Bach born and where? Born in 1685 in Eisenach Germany
When was Bach orphaned? When he was 10
Who did Bach live with after being orphaned and where? With older brother Johann Christoph in Ohrdruf
When and where did Bach start his career? When he was 18 in Arnstadt from 18-22 and Muhlhausen from 22-23
When and where did Bach marry his first wife and who was she? In Muhlhausen when he was 23 to his cousin Maria Barbara
What did Bach do to organ throughout his life? Selected, tested and improved church organs
Whom did Bach serve when he was 23? Became a court organist and chamber musician of the Duke of Weimar
When was the Weimar period? From when Bach was 23-32
Why did Bach become famous in the Weimar period? Because of his organ virtuoso and composition of many important organ works
Why did Bach leave the Duke of Weimar? Bach was disappointed that he did not promoted
To whom did Bach serve after leaving the duke? To Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cothen
What position was Bach in with the Prince? Bach was the kapellmeister
What did Bach produce in Anhalt-Cothen? Keyboard works such as the Well-tempered Clavier and orchestral works
What tragedy happen to Bach when he was 35? His first wife died
To whom did he marry later and when? To Anna Magdalena Wilcke one year after his first wife's death
What did Bach give to Anna and when? He gave her two music notebooks when he was 37 and one when he was 40
How many children did Bach have and how many survived? He had 20 but only 9 survived to mature ages
When and where did Bach produce his most important religious works? When he was the Cantor of St Thomas in Leipzig
How long was Bach as the Cantor of St Thomas? For 27 years from when he was 37-65, his death
How did Bach gain this position? Only got position after 2 more famous composers, Georg Phillip Telemann and Johann Christoph Graupner, declined
What did Bach do as the Cantor? He supervised, and wrote music for the 4 main churches of Leipzig as well as selecting and training the choirsters
What happened to Bach when he was 43? He was appointed he director of the collegium musicum
Who did Bach visit in 1747? The court of Sir Frederick the Great of Potsam where his son CPE Bach worked
What happened at the court? The King gave Bach the a theme any Bach wrote and elaborate work dedicated to the king
What was the name of the work? A Musical Offering
What happened to Bach in his final years? His eyesight failed and eventually became blind
When did Bach die? 1750
What genres did Bach compose in? All except opera
What influenced Bach? Italian influences (ritornello form), French influences (french overture), German Influences (counterpoint), and English influences (choral style).
What did many of his organ works demand? High virtuosity
What was Bach's favourite large musical structure? A combination of a prelude and a fugue (fantasia snd fugue in D minor)
In which collection did Bach show that he could write in every key? The Well-tempered Clavier I and II
What did the claviers cover? All 24 keys and diverse styles and wide range of techniques
What is a nickname for the claviers? The piano's old testament
What did the Chromatic Fanstasy and fugue show? Bach as a master of contrapuntal technique from his used to chromatic and dissonant harmonies for dramatic and emotional expression
What keyboard works by Bach were in French style? 6 English suites, 6 French suites, 6 Partitas, and the French overture
By whom as Bach influenced by? Corelli, Vivaldi, and other italian composers
What was one work in Italian style? Italian Concerto
What was Bach's most technically complex work? The Art of Fugue
What was the Art of Fugue's medium? Unspecified
What about Bach does the Art of Fugue display? All of resources of Fugue writing
How many pieces were in the Musical Offering? Thirteen that are all based on the royal theme
What were the mediums for the Musical Offering? Some for keyboard and others go up to 4 intruments
What does the Musical Offering reveal about Bach? Reveals the height of Bach's contrapuntal technique
What was Bach's most popular orchestral work? The six Bradenburg concertos
Who was the Bradenburg concertos dedicated to? The Margrave of Bradenburg
In what form were the Bradenburg Concertos in? In italian concerto grosso form
How many violin concertos did Bach have and what were their style? Two, both in Italian style
what style was the Orchestral suites in? French
Which movement in Orchestral suites is the famous one and what is its name? The 7th movement and is called the Badinerie
how many church cantatas does Bach have Around 200
how many movements do they have and in what form? In large form from 5-8 movements
What effect does the St matthew Passion have? A dramatic and theatrical work in the spirit of opera
which is Bach's longest work The Christmas Oratorio
When and where was Handel born? In Halle in Germany in 1685
Which university did Handel attend? Uni of Halle
What happened ? A year later, Handel left University to Hamburg
What did he do in Hamburg Was a second violinist in an Italian opera house
what was his first opera and when did he write it? It was Amira and he wrote it when he was 20
what happened to Handel for the next three years? He was in italy and opera ex Agrippina were a success
what happened when Handel was 25? He a was appointed the conductor for the Elector of Hanover
what happened in 1710? He visited London and Rinaldo made him famous
when did he return to Hanover? in 1712
What happened in Hanover? Handel asked for a leave of absence to go back to London
What happened in London He overstayed his leave until queen Anne died and was succeeded by the Elector of Hanover
who was the new monarch The elector of Hanover, King George the 1
What was a great opportunity for Handel The founding of the royal Academy of Music in 1720
Why did the Academy fail? Because of poor management, both financially due to cost of stage sets, and primadonna singers
What was the final blow to the Academy? The success of John Gay's The Beggar's Opera
How did Handel adapt to the situation? He turned from operas to oratortrios
Why did it make Handel successful? It had the splendor of operas without the costly fees
What happened to Handel in his last years? Lost his eyesight to cataracts
What honour was given to Handel when he died? He was buried in Westminister Abbey
What style was Handel's music? It was in cosmopolitan style
What did he use in his music? German counterpoint, and instrumental ritornello, French overture and suites, and English choral tradition
What texture did he use? both polyphonic and homophonic
Melodies used? Rich in expression, rises and falls in great majestic arches
Preferred harmonies? diatonic to chromatic
Rhythm style and examples? Powerful baroque drive, ex tone colour and word painting are used for atmosphere and dramatic expression
How many opera serias did Handel write? He wrote over 40 operas
What are the opera music based upon? Massive pillars of sound, chord, within the voices and interweave
What does his arias show? Displays brilliant coloratura to moving love songs
What did Handel become a master of? the oratorio
Why did Handel choose oratorios? because it is not costly like opera and appealed to English middle class people
What are Handel's oratorios like? Grand with overpowering vitality, dramatic recitatives, and grandiose fugues
What was the center of attention? The chorus instead of the aria, and extended the chorus role in each scene
Where and when did the Water Music Play? on July 17,1717 in the River Thames
When and why was the Music for the Royal Fireworks played? It was in April 27, 1749 for the celebration of the peace of the the Aix-la-Chapelle
How many movements are the Four seasons in? three movement form
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