Flash cards
Mind Maps
GoConqr tools provide an easy way to access and create resources to facilitate teaching mathematical concepts, formulas, and processes.Let's look at how these tools could be used in a secondary school maths classroom.
Flashcards are a great way to learn key concepts or formulas.Students can discover already created flashcard decks which they can use to revise on the go, using the GoConqr mobile app.As a teacher, you could assign students a different topic each for them to create a revision flashcard deck. These can then be shared in a class group created on GoConqr. The flashcard deck on the top right is an example using geometry formulas. Another deck (bottom right) teaches key words and phrases for studying statistics.You could also display a deck on screen during class time for a quick revision pop quiz!
GoConqr quizzes are a useful and fun way for you to test your students' learning. You can create quizzes with a variety of question types, including multiple choice and fill-in-the-blanks.Students can take the test multiple times and track their improvement. When they review their answers, they can see not only their result, but why their answer was correct or incorrect.Quizzes can be timed.Creating their own quizzes is a wonderful way for students to deepen and demonstrate their mastery of subject material.
Mind maps are used to arrange information visually to facilitate understanding and recall.You could create resources to share with your students such asthe mind map guide to expanding brackets in algebra (bottom right)Each node represents a concept or idea, and further information or explanation can be included in attached notation.Students can check off nodes as they learn concepts or complete tasks.
Students can take notes in class, or make notes at home.These can be shared in groups and used for revision, on a desktop computer, or on the GoConqr mobile app.Students can copy, edit, and combine notes, collaborating to make a revision guide for exams.Notes can include images, video and links to other resources created in GoConqr.
Slides can be used for traditional presentations in class, but GoConqr slides can be used for so much more:Other resources, including quizzes, mind maps and flashcards, can be embedded in slides, organising your material for easy access and presentation.Videos can also be embedded in slides, so you can show video excerpts straight from your GoConqr slides.The use of video and audio clips can contribute significantly to learning.
A further feature of GoConqr is the ability to create groups.You can create a group for each class, making it easy for students to share resources, and for you to administer quizzes.Groups can be used for discussion outside the classroom which facilitates peer learning.You could have students work on problem sets individually and comment on each other's work.