Weaknesses of 19th Century Russia


A-Level History Flashcards on Weaknesses of 19th Century Russia, created by Georgia Brooke on 27/11/2015.
Georgia Brooke
Flashcards by Georgia Brooke, updated more than 1 year ago
Georgia Brooke
Created by Georgia Brooke over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Weakness 1 Russia's size meant there was a lack of communications and it was hard to rule
Weakness 2 18+ ethnicities in Russia meant that there were different traditions and cultures within Russia, it was not a united country
Weakness 3 Language barriers lead to further lack of communication between different provinces in Russia
Weakness 4 Lack of middle class meant that Russia's industry was behind countries in Western Europe
Weakness 5 Very little social change could take place due to high censorship
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