Nazi Germany early years


Nazi Germany early years
Darcey Griffiths
Flashcards by Darcey Griffiths, updated 21 days ago
Darcey Griffiths
Created by Darcey Griffiths 22 days ago

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As soon as Hitler was appointed Chancellor Did not have dictatorial powers at first but by 1934 Germany was a one party state under Hitler
Hitler- Key dates 1933 Jan 30- elected Chancellor Feb 27- Reichstag Fire March 5th- Last elections according to Weimar Constitution March 21st- Day of Postdam March 23rd- Enabling law passed July 14- all political opposition to NSDAP illegal 1934 June 30- Night of Long Knives Aug 2- Hindenburg dead Hitler merged role of president and chancellor to be Fuhrer
Hitlers limited power at beginning- Hindenburg/ Papen Hindenburg wasn't prepared to support Hitler's appointment until he ensured chancellor position was limited Papen was confident 'In 2 months we'll have pushed Hitler so far into a corner.. squeaking'.
Hitler limitations- big 3 -Only 2 other Nazis in cabinet of 12 Wilhelm Frick-minister of interior- Goring- no specific responsibility Other non Nazis all had conservative nationalist backgrounds army industry landowners Hitlers coalition gov didn't have a majority in Reichstag- can't introduce dramatic legislation Chancellors position was dependent on whim of Hindenburg- also army/ trade unions could organise coup/ strike
Hitler's strengths- early days- pt 1 Within months Hitler got past all of these weaknesses while following the policy of legality his strengths were: Leader of largest political party in Germany- ignoring him led to failed Papen/ Schleicher govforced conservatives to work with him- alternative to Hitler was civil war/ communism
Hitler's strengths- early days- pt 2 Nazi party had now gained access to resources of the state. Goring was minister of interior of Prussia- had power over police Goebbels - 'radio and press are at our disposal'
Hitler's strengths- early days- pt 3 Hitler was a political tactician- in contrast papen= politically naive- Hitler couldn't be tamed
Hermann Goring Born in Bavaria 1893- took part in 1923 Munich Putsch- was injured
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