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Created by FSI Slovenian
over 2 years ago
Question | Answer |
Mestni avtobus in taksi sta najboljši način gibanja po Ljubljani. | Public (City) bus and taxi are the best way to get around Ljubljana. |
Tega velikega in onega manjšega tam. | This big one here and that smaller over there. |
Škoda, da nisem bila tam. | Too bad I wasn't there. |
V soboto bi Smithovi in Puharjevi radi šli na ljubljanski trg, ki leži v starem mestu. | On Saturday the smith and Puhars would like to go to Ljubljana food market, which is situated in the old city. |
Plečnik je dal podobo sodobni tržnici, ki obsega več kot 13,000 m2. | Plecnik gave the image the contemporary food market, which occupies more than 13.000 m2. |
Znani so prodajalci sadja s Primorske, ki nudijo češnje, marelice in drugo sadje. | Very well known are fruit sellers from Primorska, who offer cherries, apricots and other fruits. |
A lahko dam še eno manjšo? | Can I give another smaller one? |
Tudi Puharjevi in Smithovi so srečali svoje znance, po nakupih pa so šli na kavo. | Also Puhars and Smiths met their acquaintances and after shopping, they went for coffee. |
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