Pilgrims v Puritans by Sean Green


Flash card
Sean Green
Flashcards by Sean Green, updated more than 1 year ago
Sean Green
Created by Sean Green about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Pilgrims were members a group of people called Separatists. Their religious beliefs differed from the rest of the England
King James 1 denied the Pilgrims request for their own church .
Pilgrims sailed to North America in the Mayflower in 1607. They wanted a safe place to practice their religion.
The Pilgrims believed the Church of England, and the Catholic Church, went against the teachings of the Bible
The Puritans were a group of people in the 16th and 17th. They became unhappy with the Church of England. They thought it strayed from Christ's teachings.
King of England was head of church and state and were opposed to this. Therefore, they were in violation of religious and state authorities. So they left for America, led by John Winthrop
Puritans however, believed that the newly founded church still had too many Catholic beliefs and still needed reform.
Pilgrims , wanted to separate from the English Church. They were Separatist's. Puritan's, wanted to purify the English Church from the Catholic influence.
Pilgrims arrived on Plymouth Rock 1620. Puritans arrived in Massachusetts Bay Colony 1630 .
Pilgrims were not very educated. Many Puritans had Oxford and Cambridge education.
Pilgrims had William Bradford as Governor. Puritans had John Winthrop as Governor.
*Total Depravity: Original Sin,people can't choose God. God must save people. *Unconditional Election: God chooses who will be saved. He calls them "the Elect" *Limited Atonement: Christ died for the sins of the "Elect
*Irresistible Grace: the "Elect" can't resist God. The Holy Spirit gives them grace until they repent and are reborn. *Perseverance of the Saints: The "Elect" can never lose their salvation because God chose the.
The Puritans were strongly connected to God and the Bible. They did not believe in luxury in the church. Such as,organ music, stained-glass windows, fancy robes. They felt religion should be pure
Literary Style: genres: sermon, historical and poetry influence: bible focused on history plain style: clear and simple Purpose: always communicated something specific , religious
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