

Flashcards on IQ_2WK_L05, created by Noor AlShammari on 25/07/2022.
Noor AlShammari
Flashcards by Noor AlShammari, updated more than 1 year ago
Noor AlShammari
Created by Noor AlShammari about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
باچر tomorrow
عطلة holiday
باچر عطلة tomorrow is holiday
الجو the weather
حلو beautiful (masc.)
شراح تسوون؟ What are you (pl.) going to do?
راح انزور we will visit
مدينة بابل Babylon
اِحنا we
همينه also
اِحنا همينة we also
لازم must
لازم نطلع we must leave
من وكت early
ليش؟ why?
لأن أكو because there is
ازدحام traffic
ازدحام على الطريق traffic on the way
شلون؟ how?
شلون رايحين؟ How are you (pl.) going?
وية with
منو؟ Who?
منو رايح؟ Who is going?
مرتي my wife
أولادي my kids
رَجلي my husband
إن شاء الله God willing *
إن شاء الله تتونسون God willing, (you all) Have fun!
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