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Created by SLS Indonesian
almost 3 years ago
Question | Answer |
Dia menanami sawahnya dengan padi. | He planted his field with rice. |
Para demonstran melempari wartawan dengan batu. | The demonstrators pelted the journalists with stones. |
Ibu menyirami (bunga) dengan air. (siram = be cascaded with water, to water) | Mother sprays flowers with water. |
Saya mengolesi (badan) dengan minyak. (oles = spread) | I smeared (body with oil. |
Mereka melayani (tamu) dengan makanan yang enak. (layan = serve) | They are serving (the guest) with delicious food. |
Mereka memuati (truk) dengan batu bara. (muat = contain, hold, accommodate) | They are loading (the truck) with coal. |
Dia membebani (orang) dengan banyak tugas. (beban = load, responsibility) | He burdens (the person) with lots of duty. |
Ibu menaburi (makanan) dengan garam. (tabur = sprinkle, scatter) | Mother sprinkles food with salt. |
Kami menghiasi (kamar) dengan banyak bunga. (hias = decorate, adorn) | We decorated the room with many flowers. |
Wisatawan membanjiri (negeri) itu dengan uang. (banjir = floor) | Tourists flood the country with money. |
Dia menutupi (mata) dengan tangan. (tutup = close, cover) | She covered eyes with hand. |
Mereka menulisi (kertas) dengan pena. (tulis = write) | They write on paper with a pen. |
Ayah melampiri (surat) dengan kwitansi. (lampir = attach, enclose) | Father enclosed a receipt in the letter. |
Pasukan menghujani (musuh) dengan bom. (hujan = rain) | The troops rain on enemy with bombs. |
Ibu sedang menuangi (cangkir) dengan teh. (tuang = pour) | Mother is pouring tea into the cup. |
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