Human Resource Chapter 2


1 Human resource Flashcards on Human Resource Chapter 2, created by quick.silver689 on 02/10/2015.
Flashcards by quick.silver689, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by quick.silver689 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Which legislation can not be bypassed by other laws and regulations? Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
What is Human rights legislation? Jurisdictions specific legislation that prohibits intentional and unintentional discrimination in employment situations and in the delivery of goods and services.
Which Canadian legislation's affect workplace practices? Canadian charter of rights and freedoms, Human rights legislation, employment standards legislation, Ordinary laws, Collective bargaining agreement, Employment Contract.
What is discrimination in the context of human rights in employment? A distinction, exclusion, or preference based on one of the prohibited grounds that has the effect of nullifying or impairing the right of a person to full and equal recognition and exercise of his or her human rights and freedoms.
What are the four groups of identified groups effected by discrimination Women, aboriginal people, personas with disabilities, and visible minorities.
What is harassment? Unwelcome behavior
What's the difference between sexual coercion and sexual annoyance? Sexual coercion is done by an authority figure where annoyance is done by another employee.
What is Bona fide A justifiable reason to discriminate based on business necessity
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