13 Visiteurs internationaux 2.1


Flashcards on 13 Visiteurs internationaux 2.1, created by EUA French on 30/12/2021.
EUA French
Flashcards by EUA French, updated more than 1 year ago
EUA French
Created by EUA French almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
to transport acheminer
to behave / to act agir
needle une aiguille
to combine allier
fine une amende
cancellation / annulment une annulation
bladed weapon une arme blanche
prohibited item un article interdit
to attend assister
trick / tip une astuce
to land atterrir
in case au cas où
within au sein de
a whole different story / a horse of a different color une autre paire de manches
to warn / to inform avertir
checked luggage un bagage en soute
suburb une banlieue
scholarship recipient / holder boursier / boursière
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