Abraham Lincoln Facts


10 surprising facts about the 16th President of the United States of America that you did not know. Source: National Constitution Center blog.
Rob  Curran
Flashcards by Rob Curran, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Maya V.
Created by Maya V. over 9 years ago
Rob  Curran
Copied by Rob Curran over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Patents8 Lincoln is the only President to have a patent; a device to free steamboats that ran aground.
Women's rights Lincoln wanted women to have the vote in 1836.
Survivor His life was saved twice when he was young.
Hat Inside his hat is where Lincoln kept his important documents.
Drinking and smoking Lincoln didn’t chew, drink or smoke.
Abe Lincoln hated being called Abe, he preferred being called Lincoln.
Animals Lincoln was an animal lover, who wouldn’t hunt or fish.
Telegraph Lincoln was the first President to use the telegraph. He used it like email to communicate with Generals.
Businessman Lincoln failed in his first business.
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