Future Cards - Setting Goals


Help others define clear and ambitious goals with these future cards
Alex Dalton
Flashcards by Alex Dalton, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Alex Dalton
Created by Alex Dalton over 4 years ago
Alex Dalton
Copied by Alex Dalton about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What if Describe your “Sliding Doors” life
What if ..... you had to use puppets? You are on your deathbed and your most precious grandchild is sitting beside you – she asks for your advice on how to life a good life. What do you say?
What brings you the most excitement or inspires the greatest passion when you are doing your job?
What is the worst thing your nemesis could do?
Tell me about the last time you felt blissfully happy?
Close your eyes … imagine you are at an awards ceremony at the Four Seasons Hotel, New York. Your name has just been called and you are walking to the stage to receive your award. You are blissfully happy. What was the award for?
Who in your field of work do you most admire and why do you admire them?
Give me an outlandish goal – a secretly held dream or a childhood ambition.
Tell me about one goal you feel you’ve missed the boat on.
It's December 2021. It's been a great year - positive, focussed and successful. You really made progress in your career and you got some lucky breaks ... where are you now?
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