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Created by alicenoel
almost 10 years ago
Copied by Samonia Raynar
almost 10 years ago
Question | Answer |
Problems facing the Tsar in 1881 | Economically and politically backwards. Although it was one of the 5 great powers in the world |
Emancipation of the serfs | Tsar Alexander II had emancipated the serfs, which had been a prevention of russian progress. However they had to pay 'redemption tax' for the following 49 years. They lived within mirs, which prevented the modernisation of russian agriculture and industry, as they were unable to leave. |
1864 - Zemtsva | The first form of elected government - limited to the educated and wealthy. Trial by jury was introduced in 1870. |
Government control | Reforms were caused by the rulers or the government. Russian politics was not democratic for most of its existence. Political power was always firmly in the hands of the rulers. |
Problems facing Alexander III | His father had raised expectations of reform and he was pressured by some advisers to make Russia more like western and central Europe. Others wanted it to remain autocratic. Some people thought the only way to modernise Russia was to remove Tsarism itself. |
Sergi Witte "the Great Spurt" | -High tariffs brought in on external goods. -Got foreign powers to invest in Russia. -Push in Iron, steel, machinery and coal. -Trans-Siberian Railway from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg. raised the amount spent on it to 275 million roubles, 2500 km linking coal and iron fields in Donetz Basin -1900 1/2 workers worked in factories. --------------------------------- working conditions worsened |
Peter Stolypin | -Supporter of the Tsarist Regime -Stolypin's Neckties - 1741 executed in this way -Said 20 yrs were needed. he only got 8. -Was responsible for dissolving the 2nd Duma as it wouldn't pass what he wanted. -Hated amongst left wing kadets and Trudovicks as he kept breaking up the Dumas. -Convinced the peasants to go work in Serbia by making the land cheaper and financing with government loans. -Abolished Redemption payments. - Increased the number of people that owned their land from 20% in 1905 to 50% in 1915 -Instructed the Peasant land bank |
Trial By Jury introduced | 1970 |
Tsar | >Had supreme political powers >appointed ministers who would meet regularly >The state council was created on 1806 but had no authority to advise the Tsar. > had little influence on regional affairs. so there was a great difference between European Russia and Siberia. |
Contradictory affairs | Witte put forward policies that were contradictory to those by the Minister for interdental affairs |
Government was in 3 tiers | Provinces were governed by governors appointed by the Tsar \|/ each governor chaired 10 comities \|/ dealt with different area of policy ---------------------- had no clear defined jobs and powers |
peasant unrest | 50 occasions in 1850 and this rose |
state of emergency | 1881-1917, 25% |
pillars of Tsarism | >Orthodox Church >nobility >conservative nature of the peasants, who made up 90% of the population. |
when was Alexander II assassinated | 1881 by the people's will who numbered about 500 people. |
Alexander II | introduced many reforms in the 1860's and had appeared to offer the prospect of some democracy but these were stalled in the 1870's. >he was convinced that a government was needed and was about to announce plans when he was killed. |
Alexander III | made it clear that he was to be a reactionary ruler. >allowed civil servants to use judicial powers. >reinforced censorship >Universities were brought under state control and church schools were encouraged as it was thought that they would encourage obedience to the regime. |
two developed industries at the time 1881 and what else was good | Cotton (90% of Russia needs) sugar in Ukraine >railway network had reached 22.000 km. the mainly private investment and state. (reduction of tariffs so import was common) |
Industry develop in the 1880's? | tariffs were raised and reached a peak in 1891 at most by 30%. this was due to when Ivan Vyshnegradsky was the finance minister. |
Ivan Vyhsnegradsky | Wanted to balance the budget >increased indirect taxes >raising taxes so that they were the highest in Europe 1891 >encouraged grain export and introduced paper and gold money >railways 50 mill roubles was spent per yr he was minister ------------------ unpopular as indirect taxes ate up all of the surplus income of the peasants > but worked as reached 15% export but hit domestic consumption. > tried to look better by starting the Nobleman's Bank to support landlords and agriculture > was blamed for the famine in 1891-2 cause he didn't care about peasants. where 500,000 died succeeded by Witte in 1892 |
taxes from 1892 | 27% sales taxes 26% vodka 24% railways peasants paid most of the taxes |
The gold Standard | Adopted by Witte to get foreign investment. |
Investment from foreign banks | 50% |
Industry increase | 1891-1900 = 80% >pig Iron inc. 215% >1890-1900 petrol inc. 450% and railways by 70% ------------------------------ from 1880-1914 coal inc. 400% and iron ore by 1000% :D |
Emaciation of the surfs caused... | them to have more land. the nobles lost 50% whereas the peasants gained X3 the original |
1888 land captains | brought in and not elected like the village elders |
Social Revolutionaries (SR) | >Believed that the future lay with the people (peasants and industrial workers) >wanted peasants to get ther own piece of land and not compensate the owners > formed "ALL-RUSSIAN UNION OF PEASANTS" and was the most supported party till 1917 >formed in 1901 ------------------------- >Was a collection of factions >some were anarchists (to smash central govt.) and form local communes >Others had Marxist ideas and would work with the SDP >There was a terrorist wing that assassinated grand duke Sergei ----------------------------- >wanted a 8hr working day and to share out land amongst the peasants |
Bolsheviks | IN 1898 the SDP was formed by Lenin and in 1903 there were two votes causing the party to split in two >They mean "majority" >wanted to speed up the revolution by being violent and aggressive activity and propaganda >wanted to keep party membership only to those who are professional revolutionaries > believe that the class struggle extended past just industrial workers to involve peasants as well. |
Social Democratic Party | >Marxist so they believed that History proceeds in predictable cycles > thought that after industrialisation happened the workers would go against the bourgeois leading to socialism then communism >launched the part paper "Iskra" |
Proletariat | working-class people regarded collectively |
Mensheviks | Believed that revolution should be slow >the "MINORITY" >Led by Yuil martov >party membership should be open to anyone >class struggle was open to only industrial workers so they had to wait for the industry to catch up. |
Constructional Democrats | >Kadets >like the October manifesto but wanted it to go further. -------------------------------------------- Manifesto >all Russians treated equally >freedom of religion >freedom of press and to organise political meetings. >constitution to be decided by the people >elections by secret ballot and all adults allowed to vote >no UKASE (imperial decree by Tsar) without Duma agreeing >self government throughout out empire |
Octobrists | Actually called the Union of the 17 >October manifesto was the ideal settlement of ideas >firmly supported the Tsar --------------------------- Manifesto! >Preservation of the Russian state >civil rights >constitutional monarchy >should peasants have the same rights as everyone else? >new measures on education >law court reforms > to make the tax system more sensible and fair |
Nationalists | > didn't like the October revolution but knew it was needed to stop a revolution >didn't want the people to reform or advance but wanted to help the political elite >mainly the wealthy people that wanted to keep it this way >Democracy and political power to the masses was a threat to their political position |
Nicholas II | Became Tsar at 29 in 1894 >had no training > wanted to keep autocracy and to pass the throne to his child >was easily changed mind. >when 1300 people were killed trying to get mugs for his coronation it looked bad when he just continued > persistently rejected moderate reforms making violent action more likely > adopted short term solutions and didn't support his ministers |
Alexandra | > was German > told nicky to " be strong" |
housing and working conditions in 1905 | poor with no sanitation. many had to live together > hrs were long in factories and the wages were very low >many employers ignored regulations eg: -1885 law banning night work for women and children -1897 said the working day could only be 11 1/2 hrs > when unrest in factories became more common 1902-4 public meetings were banned, there were 80 attacks in one province alone >people who didn't know what they were doing were looked at as cannon fodder often just broke things rather than joined unions |
Russo-Japanese war 1905 | lost VERY VERY badly. >Baltic fleet sailed half way around the world to be destroyed by the Japanese in the tsushima Straits >minister for interior was assassinated in july 1904 |
Bloody Sunday | Father Gapon orgained a large demonstration 150,000 people marched peacefully to present the Tsar with a petition to ask for help with the poverty and "sire, is this in accordance with gods laws?" >when the troops fired in to the crowed 200 people were killed and 800 wounded causing more than 400,000 people to go on strike in st. petersbury alone |
October Manifesto | >Civil liberties for all people >freedom of arrest >freedom of speech >creation of Duma >universal Suffrage (vote) for the election of the Duma |
Fundamental Laws | >"All Russia Emperor possesses the supreme autocratic power" >the Tsar held all power stull and could over rule anything that the Duma said >"sovereign Emperor approves laws and without his approval no legislative measure can become law" >determine the appearance of money |
Dumas votes numbers | >Votes 1 landowner meant ->3 burghers->15peasants -> 45 urban workers |
1st duma | Kadets won 179/478seats and immediately demanded the right for a Constituent Assembly to produce a constitution >demamned right to appoint and dismiss ministers. when this was refused it passed a vote of no confidence >this meant the govt. dissolved the Duma< ------------------------------ >lasted April -June 1906 200 deputies went to Vyborg in Finland and called on the Russians to stop paying taxes. this was called the Vyborg Appeal. the Vyborg deputies were arrested and banned from the Duma and martial law was established. |
2nd Duma | Feb-June 1907 >This Duma argued amongst itself and opposed Stolypins land policy's and criticised the running of the army |
Electoral Collages | June 1907 >Aritcle 87 meant that voting was restricted and favoured the rich. 230 landowners 1000 businessmen 60,000 peasants 125,000 workers to elect one deputy to the duma |
3rd Duma | Nov1907-June 1912 full term as this Duma was much more moderate >but its lasting might have something to do with wanting to impress B and F only 3.5 million had a vote out of 140 million >Duma was dominated by the right wing allowing Stolypins to push through his land reforms. >this was dominated by the Ocoberists and althought It could try to ask things of ministers it didn't try to change the status Quo. |
4th Duma | Nov 1912 - Aug 1917 >after Stolypins assassination in 1911 he was replaced by many ministers that didn't want to work with the duma. >Some members of this Duma called for a Constitutional assembly to overthrow the present system. >this Duma did succeed in passing some minor things such as expanding primary education and starting insurance schemes. however its terms were curtailed by the out break of war. >Russia started in war in 1914 and stopped in 1917 >this was drew attention away from the badness of the duma and Tsar |
Lena Goldfeild massacre | 500 shot at |
Alexander Kerensky | Was popular in Russia after being elected to the Duma in 1912 (4th) he had also made a newspaper in 1905 revolution and got arrested. he was not a Marxist but a trudovik. to army commanders he was the continuation of war, aggressively. to the middle classes he was a bridge of the soviet and a man who stood for law against revolutionary violence. |
July Days | Where Lenin ran from Russia and left his place. looking bad on him as it looked like he was weak when he could have taken power. Started a rebellion but when the military was sent to help orgainse things. they decided for it to back down |
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