Structures of the Maxilla and Mandible as they Appear in Dental Radiographs


These flashcards are used for identifying normal structures of the mandible and maxilla which may appear on radiographs taken of the dentition/oral cavity
Joshua Nunn
Flashcards by Joshua Nunn, updated more than 1 year ago
Joshua Nunn
Created by Joshua Nunn about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Inferior Border of the Mandible - Appears as a heavy, broad band of bone - Radiopaque
Genial Tubercle + Lingual Foramen - Appears on lingual surface of the mandible just above the inferior border and immediately below and between the two central incisors - Genial tubercle is the radiopaque ring that surrounds the radiolucent lingual foramen
Mental Foramen - Located below the first molar -> first premolar (varies between patients) but can be superimposed onto the tooth by poor angulation - Examine the continuity of the lamina dura to determine if it is a pathological condition or the mental foramen
Mental Ridge - Appears on pA's of mandibular incisors - Bilateral "V" shape located inferior to tooth apices but may be superimposed over them
Mandibular Foramen - Radiolucent area at the ramus of the mandible
Mandibular Canal - Begins at the mandibular foramen and terminates at the mental foramen - Appears as a radiolucency above the inferior border - Borders of the canal MAY be apparent as thin radiopaque lines
Mental Fossa - Depression on the labial surface of the mandible around the midline and above the mental protuberance - Appears as a generalised diffuse radiolucency as the bone here is thinner
Nutrient Canals - Not apparent in radiographs of ALL patients, but may appear in pA's of mandibular incisors - Represent the nutrient canals of the bone, appearing fairly uniform in width and running vertically between the incisors
Mylohyoid Ridge - Also known as internal oblique ridge - Radiopaque line extending from the chin to the molar region towards the ramus
External Oblique Ridge - Anterior portion of the descending ramus - Varying width and density (may be so dense that it obscures tooth roots
Maxillary Sinus - Radiolucent dark area above the maxillary molars with radiopaque borders/margins - Huge variability in sizes, enlarge during childhood maturing around 15-18 - Floor can appear above the apices or well below (extremely variable) - Occasionally the roots will project into the sinus (take this into account when extracting)
Intermaxillary Suture - Also known as the median palatine suture - May be mistaken for a fracture - Thin and irregular radiolucent line usually starting between the 11 and 21, extending across the hard palate
Nasolacrimal Canal - Round/oval radiolucent area appearing on occlusal projections of upper molars
Coronoid Process of the Mandible - Triangular grey area - Can be superimposed ONTO upper teeth
Zygomatic Process and Zygomatic Bone - Dense radiopacity - Apparent in pA's of upper molars, especially over the first and second molars
Maxillary Tuberosity and Surrounding Structures - Appears as normal bone distal to the last molar - Curves up and distally at the end
Pterygoid Plates and Hamulus - Grey structures distal to the maxillary tuberosity on molar radiographs - Medial and lateral pterygoid plates + hamulus of the sphenoid bone
Soft Tissue Shadows - Formed by the tip of the nose - Typical and frequent on central and lateral incisors
Lateral Fossa - Gentle depression in the apex of the maxillary lateral incisor - Present in pA's as an ill-defined radiolucency
Incisive Foramen - Usually oval shaped but varies greatly - Found between the central incisors, located on the hard palate - Appears in radiographs on the midline, between the two roots of the central incisors
Anterior Nasal Spine and Nasal Septum - Anterior nasal spine appears as a "V" in the midline
Floor of the Nasal Cavity - Appears on radiographs above the anterior nasal spine
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