Encoding, Capacity and Duration


Some information on the encoding, capacity and duration of STM and LTM. For Psychology As Students Unit 1.
Lolade Oresegun
Flashcards by Lolade Oresegun, updated more than 1 year ago
Lolade Oresegun
Created by Lolade Oresegun over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Encoding? Encoding is the process in which information changes to be stored in memory.
Types Of Encoding? Visual, Acoustic & Semantic
Who Did The Study for Encoding and in what year? Baddeley (1966)
What did Baddley do? He gave participants lists of words that were acoustically and semantically similar or dissimilar.
What did Baddeley want to test for? The effects of acoustic and semantic similarities on STM & LTM recall.
What were Baddeley's finding? P's had difficulty remembering acoustically similar words in STM but not in LTM. Whereas semantically similar words were not a lot of problem for STM recall but were muddled up in LTM.
What is Capacity? It is the amount of information that can be held in the memory
Who did the study on Capacity of STM? Miller (1956) for STM
What did Miller do? And How many dots can people cope well with? He reviewed psychological research and concluded that the span of immediate memory is 7. (People can cope well with no more than counting 7 dots flashing on a screen)
Miller's Findings? People can recall 5 words as well as they can recall 5 letters because we chunk things together to help us remember
What is Chunking? Chunking is when we group set of digits or letters into something meaningful
(Evaluation): How was Cowan's findings challenge Miller's finding? Cowan(2001) concluded that STM may be more limited to about 4 chunks. So STM may not be as extensive as was originally thought.
What is the Capacity of STM? 7 +/- 2 Chunks (Miller 1956)
What is the capacity of LTM? LTM is thought to be unlimited
What is Duration? Duration is how long information can stay in the memory before it it no longer available
Who did the Duration of LTM? Bahrick (1975)
What did Bahrick do? He asked people of various ages to name the faces of people in their high school year book.
What were Bahrick's findings? 48 years on, people were about 70% accurate which suggest that LTM is long lasting.
What is the duration of STM? Less than 30 seconds
What is the duration LTM? Thought to be 30 seconds - a lifetime
Who did the study for the duration of STM? Peterson & Peterson (1959)
What did Peterson & Peterson do? (How many participants, and what were they given) They enlisted 24 university students and gave them consonant syllable and 3 numbers.
Example of a consonant syllable and 3 letters. WRT 303 or an other letters & numbers that had no meaning.
What did the participants of Peterson & Peterson had to do and to stop what? The participants had to count backwards from the given number in 3s or s until told to stop. Then they would recall the syllable. The counting was to stop rehearsal.
What many times did the participants of Peterson & Peterson's study had to do this? What were the different times they had to count backwards. 8 times with each trial and the time spent counting backwards was different (3,6,9,12,18 seconds)
What were Peterson & Peterson's findings? Participants remembered abut 90% in the 3 secs intervals and 2% in the 18 sec intervals.
What did Peterson & Peterson conclude about STM? When rehearsal is prevented, SM lasts about 20 seconds at most.
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