AS ICT - Topic 1: Problems Associated with Encoding Data


A Level ICT, Business Studies, Mathematics and 3D Design AS ICT Flashcards on AS ICT - Topic 1: Problems Associated with Encoding Data, created by dominszreder on 05/01/2015.
Flashcards by dominszreder, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dominszreder about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Give 3 reasons why data is sometimes encoded Any of the following: -It takes less time to type/key in -fewer transcription errors/greater data consistency/easier to validate -less hard disk space required/takes up less room on the hard drive/less memory needed. -Processing is faster (because less RAM is required)/faster to search MORE DATA CAN APPEAR ON SCREEN IS AN INCORRECT REASON.
Give 2 examples/sets of encodind data? Country of origin for cars: GB=Great Britain, IRL=Ireland, FIN=Finland,FR=France (etc.) Clothes Sizes: S=Small, M=Medium, L=Large, XL=Extra Large Days of the week: Mon=Monday, Tues=Tuesday, Wed=Wednesday, Thurs=Thursday, Fri=Friday, Sat=Saturndat, Sun=Sunday And anything else that is suitable.
Give 3 problems associated with encoding data. -Encoding can corsen data. -Limited choice leading to less accurate data. -Limited Choice leading to loss of precision. -Value judgement can lead to inconsistency.
Give an example to why encoding data can coarsen precison. Someone might have 2 different coloured eyes or mixed colours of eyes, which means that one one will be able to be inputed into a database meaning the database is less reliable. And any other appropriate example.
What is value judgement? Explain using an example. It's when let's say someone is asked to sort out a set of data on heights of pupils into 3 groups being: short, medium and tall. The pupils in each group would vary with a different person doing it because of their value judgement of thinking someone is short, to wheras to someone else they might be tall.
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