Anatomy X-ray


Anatomy practical midyear flashcard revision
أطباء 2020
Flashcards by أطباء 2020, updated more than 1 year ago
أطباء 2020
Created by أطباء 2020 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A : Frontal air sinus B : Maxillary air sinus C : Nasal septum D : Ethmoidal air cells
1 : Posterior arch of atlas 2-6: spines of 2-6 cervical vertebrea 7: spine of vertebra prominence "c7" A : 1st intervertebral disc B : Dense of Axis C : body of C4
A: Frontal air sinus B: Maxillary air sinus C: Sphenoidal air sinus D: Hypophyseal fossa "Pituitary gland related" E: Tempromandibular joint F: Hard palate G: Body of mandible
A : Hyoid bone B : Petrous bone
A: Crista Galle B: Orbit C: Angle of mandible D: Ramus of mandible
A: Tongue "genioglossus" B: Nose "inferior concha" C: Nasopharynx D: sphenoidal air sinus E: Spinal cord
A: Cerebellum B: Pons C: Medulla oblongata D: pituitary gland E: Lateral ventricle F: Optic chiasma
A-D: Corpus Callosum A: Rostrum B: Genu C: Body D: Splenium E: Thalamus F: 4th ventricle
A: Coronal Suture B: Lambdoid Suture C: Matoid process D: Mastoid air cells
A: Lambdoid suture B: Petrous bone C: Zygomatic arch
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