History Cold War context


Flashcards on History Cold War context, created by Jackkung_ _th on 26/10/2017.
Jackkung_ _th
Flashcards by Jackkung_ _th, updated more than 1 year ago
Jackkung_ _th
Created by Jackkung_ _th over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When was Yalta created? 4 February 1945.
When was Tehran created? 28 November 1943.
When was Potsdam created? 17 July 1945.
What is the impact of Yalta conference? Pacific war against Japan and when Stalin has broke his promise of free election in Eastern Europe and installed governments dominated be the Soviet Union.
What is the impact of Potsdam conference? The Big Three
What is the impact of Tehran conference?
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