

Key Words
Flashcards by laurenfaulkner7, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by laurenfaulkner7 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Agentic State Individuals act as agents for others Their own conscience is not in control
Autonomous State Individuals see themselves as having power they see their actions as being voluntary
Moral Strain when people become uncomfortable with their behaviour because they feel that it is wrong and goes against their values
Prejudice Is an attitude (usually negative)
Discrimination Is an action that occurs because of prejudice
Social Categorisation Is seeing oneself as part of a group. Any group will do, and there does not have to be conflict with other groups
Social Identification Is the process of moving from categorising oneself as part of the in-group to identifying with the group more overtly. An individual is likely to take on the norms and attitudes of group members
Social Comparison With the out-group. The individuals self-concept becomes wrapped up with in-group. People start to see their in-group as better than the out-group, which enhances their self-esteem. To see their in-group as better, there has to be a comparison with the out-group
Stereotyping means developing an idea about someone and carrying that idea forward to apply it to similar people
Hypothesis a statement of the predicted result and should involve testable elements
Alternative Hypothesis used in questionnaires and interviews - alternatives to the null hypothesis, which is tested using statistics
Subjectivity is when the analysis of the results involves input from the person doing the analysis
Objectivity is when there is no bias affecting the results, including no bias from researchers opinion. Scientific studies must be objective
Field Experiment takes place in a natural setting
Inter-group means between two (or more) groups
Intra-groups means relations within a single group
Superordinate Goals are goals in which the resources and energies of wither single group are not adequate fir the attainment of the goal. To achieve the goal, two groups have to work together
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