Stress in compound nouns
*A compound noun is an expression made up of more than one word which functions as a noun. Some are written as two words, other with a hyphen and some as one word.
Ex: 'crash ,barrier ,double-'glazing 'baby,sitter
-The following types of compound nouns usually have main stress on the first part:
*noun + noun: 'arms race 'fire ex,tinguisher 'night-time 'pillar-box 'lipstick 'airport
However, if the first part gives the material that the second part is made out of, main stress usually goes on the second part, example of this is: ,cotton 'wool BUT 'cotton ,plant. Exceptions are most compounds ending with -cheese, -bread or -cake
*noun + -ing form: 'bird-,watching 'house-,hunting 'fly-,fishing; EXCEPTIONS: pe,destrian 'crossing ,ball 'bearing
*-ing form + noun: 'dressing ,gown 'sitting ,room 'freezing ,point; EXCEPTIONS: ,managing di'rector de,fining 'moment *verb + noun: 'search , party con'trol ,tower 'think ,tank