'co-driver 'counterat,tack 'hyperspace 'interface 'co-writer 'counter,claim 'hypertext 'interchange 'co-star 'counterpart 'hyperlink 'interplay 'sub,section 'super,market 'under,current 'subtext 'super,structure 'undergrowth 'subsoil 'super,model 'underwear *In these words the main stressed syllable usually has prominence in discourse: We took the SUBway I'm just off to the SUpermarket
List of nouns (main stress in the prefix)
Slide 2
Adjectives (secondary stress on prefix)
,co-edu'cation ,counterin'telligence ,hyper'active ,inter'changeable ,co'operate ,counterpro'ductive ,hyper'sensitive ,interconti'nental ,co-e'xist ,counter'mand ,hyper'critical ,inter'active ,sub'conscious ,super'natural ,under'cover sub'standard ,supera'bundant ,under'line ,sub'tropical ,superim'pose ,under'ageIn these words the syllable with main stress usually has prominence in conversation: They have to learn to co-eXIST The climate here is subTROPical*NOTE that however, prominence will go on the syllable with the secondary stress if there is a stress shift