A mechanical device that carries out a series of complex tasks on command or after being programmed.
Examples include the Canadarm, the Roomba, the Mars Rover and R2D2!
An android is a robot designed to look and act like a human.
The character Data from Star Trek is an android. Some people think C3PO from Star Wars is an android, some people think he is a robot.
A cyborg is a being with both organic (living) and biomechatronic (mechanical and biological together) parts. While cyborgs like the one is this picture do not yet exist, some people think that things like pacemakers and electronic prosthetics make people into cyborgs. What do you think?
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All robots need some kind of power to help them move. VEX IQ robots use batteries. Other robots might use solar power or the power given off by chemical reactions.
The effectors are the parts of the robot that do the work. You are going to design effectors on your robot that can either PUSH, PULL or LIFT a payload or game object.