Intelligent Robotics


Mind map of university subject Intelegent Robotics. There is shown main points.
Andrew Albershteyn
Mind Map by Andrew Albershteyn, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrew Albershteyn
Created by Andrew Albershteyn about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Intelligent Robotics
  1. Geometry for Robotics
    1. Leasts Sqares
      1. Robot Kinematics
        1. Feedback
          1. World Representation and Reasoning
            1. Actuators
              1. Robot Architecture
                1. Robot Trajectory Generation
                  1. Sensors
                    1. Motion Planning Methods
                      1. Search Alghoritms
                        1. World Map
                          1. Middleware
                            1. SLAM
                              1. Tactile Robotics
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                                Orbital Mechanics
                                Luke Hansford
                                Module 1: Introduction to Engineering Materials
                                Kyan Clay
                                Software Processes
                                Nurul Aiman Abdu
                                AOCS - Attitude and orbit control systems
                                Luke Hansford
                                Ordinary Differential Equations
                                audio electronics
                                Lillian Mehler
                                Building Structures
                                Niat Habtemariam
                                communication system
                                Lillian Mehler
                                Advanced Propulsion
                                Luke Hansford