The Employee Lifecycle in 4 Stages


A look at the 4 stages of the employee lifecycle - from recruitment to separation.
Micheal Heffernan
Slide Set by Micheal Heffernan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Diego  Santos
Created by Diego Santos over 8 years ago
Micheal Heffernan
Copied by Micheal Heffernan over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

Slide 2

    Phase 1: Motivated but Not Proficient
    On your first day of work, you're eager to do things. But even if you already have experience in a similar position, you still need to first learn the specific processes of the new company and what your manager expects from you.Depending on the job, it can take a short or long period of time until you're ready to move on to Phase 2.

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    Phase 2: Motivated and Competent
    This is the phase where you want to keep employees! Here they feel motivated, know what they are doing and are more likely to be productive and fulfill their potential.

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    Phase 3: Competent but Disengaged
    Employees who are in this phase have the skills but are no longer motivated, so do not use their skills as much as they should.If you cannot bring them back to Phase 2, they'll soon pass on to Phase 4.

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    Stage 4: Disengaged and Ready to Move On
    The beginning of the end. These employees are costing you money and sabotaging your efforts. They can lower the morale of other employees and cause problems you may not be able to easily solve later on.Employees who are in Phase 4 are highly unlikely to return to Phase 2. They have already made the decision to take their skills and knowledge elsewhere. 
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