What makes an effective team leader


Mind Map by suzannehunter33, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by suzannehunter33 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

What makes an effective team leader
  1. Characteristics of effective leaders
    1. Adaptable
      1. Self- confident
        1. proactive
          1. Reliable
            1. Ambitious
              1. Motivational
                1. Has honesty and integrity
                  1. Works well under pressure
                    1. Vision
                      1. Decisive
                      2. Lewins leadership styles
                        1. Autocratic: Provide clear expectations, clear division between leader and followers, independently makes decisions
                          1. Participative: Offer guidance and encouragement, consult on decisions but retain the final say
                            1. Laissez-faire: Offer little or no guidance, leave decision making up to team members
                              1. Different leadership styles
                                1. Golemans leadership styles
                                  1. Coercive: Demands team members comply with orders
                                    1. Authoritative: Encourage team members to work towards a provided vision
                                      1. Affiliative: Supports team members emotionally to build relationships
                                        1. Democratic: Team members collaborate and make team decisions
                                          1. Pacesetting: Sets high performance standards for team members
                                            1. Coaching: Assists team members in their developments
                                        2. A leader that can motivate their team
                                          1. Sharing vision and values
                                            1. Giving feedback and recognition
                                              1. Valuing people
                                                1. Offering minimal criticism
                                                  1. Fostering creativity
                                                    1. Stretching peoples talents
                                                      1. managing aspirations
                                                      2. Benefits of effective leadership for organisations
                                                        1. Achievement of objectives
                                                          1. Motivation of staff
                                                            1. Developing peoples skills
                                                              1. Shared vision and values
                                                                1. Enhanced reputation
                                                                  1. Improved business performance
                                                                    1. Retention of staff
                                                                      1. Meeting organisations needs
                                                                        1. Increase customer base
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