Augustine vs. Irenaeus


AS - Level (Year 1) Philosophy (3a) Challenges to Religious Belief: The Problem of Evil) Slide Set on Augustine vs. Irenaeus, created by Summer Pearce on 02/05/2016.
Summer Pearce
Slide Set by Summer Pearce, updated more than 1 year ago
Summer Pearce
Created by Summer Pearce about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

Slide 2

    How is Irenaeus different to Augustine?
    His starting point isn't the story of the Fall. God didn't create a perfect world. Humans were not created perfectly, but with the ability to do evil. God has to allow the possibility of evil, because if there were no such possibility, man would not be free to choose good over evil. If there were no evil and suffering, humans would follow God's laws because there would never be any difficulty in doing so. There would be no need to demonstrate qualities such as faith, courage, honour and love. God doesn't police our world continuously, as this would limit our freedom. 
    Natural evil has been deliberately put in the world to teach us obedience, as suffering has a purpose.  By exercising free will to choose good over evil, and by overcoming natural evil, we can progress to become 'the likeness of God.' Since evil and suffering will be overcome, there will be no need for Hell. All will be saved, if not by their virtuous behaviour, then through an ongoing process of soul-making after death.
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