Point 22: It's Easier To Recognize Information Than to Recall It


Slide Set on Point 22: It's Easier To Recognize Information Than to Recall It, created by Sergio Barrera on 24/10/2020.
Sergio Barrera
Slide Set by Sergio Barrera, updated more than 1 year ago
Sergio Barrera
Created by Sergio Barrera about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Recognition vs Recall
    If I asked you to memorize the list of words off to the right and later write them down; it would be considered a recall task. If instead I showed you a list of words and asked which ones were on the list; it would be a recognition task. The difference is recognition uses context which makes it easier to remember. Schema can cause inclusion errors like say including words that aren't on the list when asked to remember like "desk" or "pen". Since the list all office related, the schema included some related answers. 

Slide 2

    Eliminate memory loaf whenever possible to mitigate issues with human memory    It's easier to have people recognize information than to recall it from memory. 
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