Spanish Vocabulary- Intermediate


This Flashcard Deck has over 150 cards to help you learn Spanish. This is intermediate level, so newbies should try the beginner deck :)
Flashcards by PatrickNoonan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by PatrickNoonan over 12 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (25)

Resource summary

Question Answer
attractive atractivo
ugly feo
maturity madurez
humble humilde
silly tonto
teenager adolescente
modest modesto
wise listo / inteligente
quiet callado
energetic energético
hair pelo
accent el acento
laughter la risa
mood el humor
brunette moreno
beard la barba
Shut up Callarse
hug el abrazo
language el idioma
greeting el saludo
question la pregunta
fast rápido
to think pensar
perhaps quizás
joke el chiste
change el cambio
clothes la ropa
to dress vestir
fashion la moda
shoe el zapato
suit el traje
pants el pantalón
hat el sombrero
average la media
reverse el revés
elegant elegante
twenty veinte
window ventana
all todo
mean significar
serious serio
week semana
sure seguro
last último
already ya
bring traer
time tiempo
aunt tía
glass vaso
soon pronto
realize realizar / darse cuenta
dear querido
poor pobre
little poco
country país
computer ordenador
person la persona
order ordenar
strong fuerte
proud orgulloso
tall alto
while mientras
face la cara
thousand mil
young person el joven
million millón
child (girl) la niña
brown marrón
child (boy) el niño
wonderful maravilloso
guy/boy el muchacho
middle medio
rare raro
play jugar
clever, ready listo
game juego
quiet, calm tranquilo
fair justo
normal normal
left izquierda
age edad
easy fácil
someone alguien
room habitación
skin la piel
enjoy disfrutar
height la altura
shoot disparar
strange extraño
fun diversión
individual el individuo
team equipo
hair el pelo
listen escuchar
smile la sonrisa
evidence evidencia
personality la personalidad
except excepto
beauty la belleza
heart corazón
girl la chica
trust confiar
honorable digno
company compañía
warm cálido
body cuerpo
thin delgado
hurt dañar
efficient eficaz
breakfast desayuno
fat gordo
clear claro
genius el genio
pretty bonito
intelligent inteligente
pen bolígrafo
blonde rubio
son hijo
uncle el tío
brother el hermano
father el padre
unique único
growth el crecimiento
mom la mamá
visit la visita
grandfather el abuelo
dad el papá
to visit visitar
to integrate integrar
husband el marido
familiar familiar
to respect respetar
greater, older mayor
husband el esposo
grandson el nieto
childhood la infancia
cousin el primo
to put together juntar
relative el pariente
surname el apellido
nephew el sobrino
heir el heredero
responsible responsable
daughter la hija
aunt la tiá
sister la hermana
wife la esposa
granddaughter la nieta
grandmother la abuela
niece la sobrina
Show full summary Hide full summary


Deleted user
Deleted user
almost 9 years ago
It would also be helpful if synonyms of the words were added, but thank you :)
almost 10 years ago
Don't think some words like niño/niña, and family members in Spanish are considered intermediate.
about 10 years ago
They are very helpful for those studying ! :)
over 10 years ago
over 10 years ago
wise should be sabio/a instead of listo or inteligente. Listo has more of the idea of being intelligent and clever. Inteligente is smart/intelligent.
over 10 years ago
Take care, "callarse" means "to shut up".
almost 11 years ago (edited)
It would be helpful if the English verbs contained "to" before them so you could tell they are a verb (to hug vs. a hug; to joke vs. a joke; to change vs. a change; to mean vs. the adjective mean or the noun mean). It would also be helpful if all of the Spanish nouns contained a determiner so you could tell if they are masculine or feminine. Many do, but some do not (país, ordenador) Good set otherwise.
about 11 years ago
your flashcards are great!
about 11 years ago
that's a pretty sick set of flashy flashcards
about 11 years ago
It's really helpful!!!!


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