SCI 5: July Exam (L1 - L2 Matter)


Grade 5 (July Exams) Quiz on SCI 5: July Exam (L1 - L2 Matter), created by Jocelyn Bernales on 05/07/2017.
Jocelyn Bernales
Quiz by Jocelyn Bernales, updated more than 1 year ago
Jocelyn Bernales
Created by Jocelyn Bernales about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Lesson 1 – Properties of Matter General Properties – observed in a[blank_start]ll[blank_end] phases of matter Special Properties – unique property of o[blank_start]ne[blank_end] phase or kind of matter General Properties: 1. M[blank_start]ass[blank_end] – amount of matter in an object 2. V[blank_start]olum[blank_end]e – amount of space occupied 3. D[blank_start]ensi[blank_end]ty – mass per unit volume, determines if the matter will sink or float. Measuring volume: 1. Rectangular solid = definite shape, > length X w[blank_start]idt[blank_end]h X height 2. Irregular Solid – no definite shape > sink in wa[blank_start]ter[blank_end] in graduated cylinder
  • ll
  • ne
  • ass
  • olum
  • ensi
  • idt
  • ter

Question 2

Special Properties of Solids: 1 Sh[blank_start]ape[blank_end] – regular and irregular solids 2 Co[blank_start]lor[blank_end] - 3 Tex[blank_start]ture[blank_end] – how the object feels 4 L[blank_start]ust[blank_end]er – ability to reflect light 5 P[blank_start]oros[blank_end]ity – to hold or absorb Liquid 6 M[blank_start]alleabil[blank_end]ity – hammered into sheets 7 D[blank_start]uctil[blank_end]ity – to transformed into wires 8 B[blank_start]rittle[blank_end]ness – to break 9 F[blank_start]lexibil[blank_end]ity – to bent without breaking 10 C[blank_start]onduct[blank_end]ivity – allows heat and electricity to pass through 11 El[blank_start]astic[blank_end]ity – return to original shape after stretched
  • ape
  • lor
  • ture
  • astic
  • rittle
  • uctil
  • alleabil
  • oros
  • ust
  • onduct
  • lexibil

Question 3

Special Properties of Liquids: 1. C[blank_start]apillar[blank_end]ity – to pass through small fine tube 2. F[blank_start]luid[blank_end]ity – to flow 3. V[blank_start]iscos[blank_end]ity – to resist flowing Special Properties of Gases: 1. D[blank_start]iffus[blank_end]ibility – to spread out faster 2. C[blank_start]ompress[blank_end]ibility – to fill its container and takes its shape
  • apillar
  • luid
  • iscos
  • iffus
  • ompress

Question 4

Uses of Properties of Matter: 1. Food Products a. N[blank_start]atura[blank_end]l - farm b. P[blank_start]rocess[blank_end]ed – lasts longer 2. Cosmetics and Medicines a. C[blank_start]osmetic[blank_end]s – make a person more visually appealing b. M[blank_start]edicine[blank_end]s – cure or treat an ailment 3. H[blank_start]ouse[blank_end]hold Products Ex[blank_start]pira[blank_end]tion date – tells when the product is at its best quality
  • atura
  • rocess
  • osmetic
  • edicine
  • ouse
  • pira

Question 5

5 Rs of Waste Management 1. Re[blank_start]duce[blank_end] – use less products 2. Re[blank_start]use[blank_end] – pass to others for use 3. Re[blank_start]cycle[blank_end] – use to make something new 4. Re[blank_start]spec[blank_end]t & Res[blank_start]ponsibil[blank_end]ity 5. Re[blank_start]thin[blank_end]k & Re[blank_start]crea[blank_end]te W[blank_start]ast[blank_end]e S[blank_start]egregat[blank_end]ion - practice of separating waste materials into biodegradable and nonbiodegradable Biodegradable – capable of d[blank_start]eca[blank_end]y [blank_start]Non[blank_end]biodegradable – do not decay Product Hazardous Warnings: 1. P[blank_start]oison[blank_end]ous or T[blank_start]oxi[blank_end]c – may be lethal or may cause serious irreversible effect 2. C[blank_start]orros[blank_end]ive – causes burns to the skin, eyes, and lungs 3. F[blank_start]lam[blank_end]mable – burns easily
  • duce
  • use
  • cycle
  • spec
  • ponsibil
  • thin
  • crea
  • ast
  • egregat
  • eca
  • Non
  • oison
  • oxi
  • orros
  • lam

Question 6

Lesson 2 - Changes in Matter • [blank_start]Physi[blank_end]cal Change – change in physical appearance • [blank_start]Chemi[blank_end]cal Change -forms new matter • co[blank_start]rro[blank_end]sion - gradual wearing of metal by combining it with nonmetals • H[blank_start]ea[blank_end]t - flow of energy from warmer to cooler area • Tem[blank_start]pera[blank_end]ture - degree of hotness or coldness of matter, and how f[blank_start]as[blank_end]t its particles move • Th[blank_start]erm[blank_end]al Ex[blank_start]pan[blank_end]sion - increase in volume because of heat (object grows) • Th[blank_start]ermome[blank_end]ter - tool used to measure temperature in units called De[blank_start]gree[blank_end]s • Heating - object particles moves f[blank_start]ast[blank_end]er, causing the object to gr[blank_start]ow[blank_end] • Cooling - object particles moves s[blank_start]low[blank_end]er, causing the object to shr[blank_start]in[blank_end]k Arrangement of particles 1. Solid – very clo[blank_start]se[blank_end] 2. Liquid - have spaces in between, and move sl[blank_start]ight[blank_end]ly 3. Gas - have so much space in between, moves q[blank_start]uick[blank_end]ly
  • Physi
  • Chemi
  • rro
  • ea
  • pera
  • as
  • erm
  • pan
  • ermome
  • gree
  • ast
  • ow
  • low
  • in
  • se
  • ight
  • uick

Question 7

Lesson 2 - Changes in Matter Physical Changes - 1. [blank_start]Melt[blank_end]ing - solid to liquid 2. [blank_start]Freez[blank_end]ing or Solidifying - liquid to solid 3. [blank_start]Evapor[blank_end]ation - liquid to gas 4. [blank_start]Condens[blank_end]ation - gas to liquid 5. [blank_start]Sublimat[blank_end]ion - solid to gas ex. dry ice, moothballs 6. De[blank_start]po[blank_end]sition - gas to solid ex. frost, snow Chemical Changes: 1. Silver t[blank_start]arn[blank_end]ishing 2. B[blank_start]urn[blank_end]ing, R[blank_start]ust[blank_end]ing, Ex[blank_start]plo[blank_end]ding 3. D[blank_start]y[blank_end]ing hair or cloth 4. Food R[blank_start]ipe[blank_end]ning and S[blank_start]poil[blank_end]ing 5. Animal de[blank_start]compos[blank_end]ition 6. C[blank_start]oo[blank_end]king of Food 7. Di[blank_start]gest[blank_end]ion of Food 8. F[blank_start]ue[blank_end]l Burning - for cars and buses to move 9. Pho[blank_start]tosyn[blank_end]thesis 10. F[blank_start]ire[blank_end]works display Evidence of Chemical Change: 1. Change in co[blank_start]lo[blank_end]r 2. Bu[blank_start]bble[blank_end]s appearance 3. Release of li[blank_start]gh[blank_end]t and h[blank_start]ea[blank_end]t 4. T[blank_start]arn[blank_end]ishing - corrosion of metal causing color change 5. Pre[blank_start]cipi[blank_end]tate - soap scum, solid formed from water & soap
  • Melt
  • Freez
  • Evapor
  • Condens
  • Sublimat
  • po
  • arn
  • urn
  • ust
  • plo
  • y
  • ipe
  • poil
  • compos
  • oo
  • gest
  • ue
  • tosyn
  • ire
  • lo
  • bble
  • gh
  • ea
  • arn
  • cipi

Question 8

L1: properties of matter
  • pesticide
  • biodegradable
  • recycle
  • medicine
  • special properties
  • a

Question 9

L1: properties of matter
  • B
  • B
  • a
  • d
  • b
  • b

Question 10

Lesson 2 - Changes in matter
  • corrosion
  • physical change
  • temperature
  • boiling
  • chemical change
  • A
  • D
  • C
  • C
  • C
  • B
  • D

Question 11

Chapter 1 Test - Matter
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • A
  • B

Question 12

Chapter 1 Test - matter
  • C
  • A
  • C
  • B
  • A

Question 13

Chapter 1 Test - Matter
  • C
  • B
  • A
  • C
  • A

Question 14

Chapter 2 Test - Matter B - write PC or CC
  • PC
  • CC
  • CC
  • CC
  • PC
  • PC
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