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Language Techniques


- practice for Level 2 Functional English tests
Bob Read
Quiz by Bob Read, updated more than 1 year ago
Bob Read
Created by Bob Read about 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question 1

Which language technique is illustrated in the text below. It is taken from a webpage about cosmetics - 'Prone to skin irritation? Why not try one of our range of hypoallergenic products for sensitive skins? If you visit one of our stores, we have trained beauticians who can offer 1:1 consultations and advise you on your personal needs.'
  • List of three
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Use of imperative verb
  • Rhetorical question

Question 2

Which language technique is used in the extract below. It is taken from a film review in a magazine - 'This new director starts to crank up the fear from the opening credits. If you want a horror film that nibbles nastily at your nerves, come and be terrified.'
  • Alliteration
  • A list of three
  • Repetition

Question 3

Which language technique is illustrated by this sentence from a poster in a health shop about cod liver oil tablets. 'There's nothing fishy about our products!'
  • A pun
  • Emotive language
  • Direct address

Question 4

Which language technique is illustrated in the extract below which is taken from on a Trip Advisor webpage - 'The hotel staff were very friendly and helpful. And it didn't cost us an arm and a leg to stay there either. I can warmly recommend it as a value for money option for a week-end retreat.'
  • An idiom
  • A metaphor
  • A simile

Question 5

Which language technique is illustrated in the sentence below which is taken from an advertisement about organic shampoos - 'Enhance your natural beauty with one of our really awesome products.'
  • colloquial language
  • idiom
  • metaphor

Question 6

Which language technique is illustrated in this extract from an e mail written by a manager to her sales team - 'When you answer the phone it is important that you are always clear, courteous and friendly. First impressions matter and you are the first point of contact that our clients have with us as a company.'
  • A list of three
  • Alliteration
  • Onomatopoiea

Question 7

Which language technique is illustrated in this extract from an advert for Crisis at Christmas, a homeless charity - 'Homelessness can happen to anyone. When it happens at Christmas that's the worst time of all. Out on the streets, without any place of your own, you feel cold, scared and desperately lonely.'
  • Emotive language
  • Use of the imperative
  • Metaphor

Question 8

Which language technique is illustrated by the text below which is from an advert about organic soap - 'Most soap is made from a cocktail of chemicals in a cheap fat which is heavily scented with synthetic fragrances. Our is completely different.'
  • Metaphor
  • List of three
  • Repetition

Question 9

Which language technique is illustrated in this opening paragraph from health information leaflet about exercise - 'In this leaflet you'll find information and guidance on how to work out your BMI and how to manage your weight. You will find tips on diet and exercise, and you can also talk to a member of your Boots pharmacy team for more expert advice to help you achieve your goals.'
  • Direct address
  • A list of three
  • Emotive language

Question 10

Which language technique is illustrated in the extract below which is from an e mail by a manager in a food factory - 'At the team meeting on Thursday we need to discuss the reasons why we are having so many problems with production on the night shift. Please cancel any other commitments. Make sure you bring your shift reports with you.'
  • Use of imperative verbs
  • A list of three
  • Emotive language
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