properties of matter


this is a test on the properties of matter and to learn from them
Las Locuras Con Chiqui
Quiz by Las Locuras Con Chiqui, updated more than 1 year ago
Las Locuras Con Chiqui
Created by Las Locuras Con Chiqui almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Read the following: mass is a physical quantity and general property of matter, which expresses the inertia or resistance to change of motion of a body. More precisely, it is the property of a body that determines its acceleration, when it is under the influence of a certain force. According to the previous paragraph where you explain what the mass is, you could choose the difference between the mass and the weight:
  • -The mass is the physical magnitude that indicates the amount of matter that a body contains. Weight is a scalar quantity that expresses the three dimensions of a body: length, width, and height.
  • -The mass is the amount of matter in the bodies. Weight is the force that gravity exerts on a mass.
  • -the weight of a body depends on its amount of matter, it does not depend on gravity. The more mass a body has, the greater the weight. The mass always remains the same no matter where it is.

Question 2

2. Choose the correct answer for a situation where the property of weight is explained:
  • the weight involved is the weight applied to the body, in turn is the normal weight.
  • -When a car travels forward and then brakes, passengers will feel a slight pull forward. If a tablecloth is pulled quickly, things on top of it will not fall due to the weight of bodies remaining at rest.
  • -When we make purchases in a supermarket of various food products, here it is evident that the unit of measurement is grams and the instrument of measurement is the scale.

Question 3

How would you define volume in a sentence:
  • Measures of the three-dimensional space occupied by a body
  • As volume we designate the physical magnitude with which we measure the amount of matter that a body contains
  • volume is the resistance that one body opposes to another taking its place in space: no body can occupy the place of another at the same time

Question 4

what do you think divisibility is:
  • Divisibility: identify the general properties of matter. There are common or general properties that are manifested in all types of matter, without exception.
  • Divisibility: Weight is the amount of elements that come from the earth, that is, it is determined by gravity or even disappears if it is canceled.
  • Divisibility: it is the property that matter has of being divided into very small particles

Question 5

this year my dad went to work in Melgar and I went to live with him for more than a month and on one of those days I went to explore the club where he was living and found a carpentry shop and accidentally hit rib with something too tough and so far it still hurts. according to the above, what property of the matter is being evidenced.
  • mass: because when I hit myself with the object, I hit myself with all the mass that that object had
  • weight: because when I hit myself with the object, I hit myself with all the weight that the object had
  • hardness: because when I hit myself with the object, since that object is very hard, that is why my rib still hurts

Question 6

Impenetrability is the resistance that a body opposes to another taking its place in space: no body can occupy the place of another at the same time. Likewise, impenetrability is the resistance that a body opposes to being pierced. According to the above, in the movies when they went through the walls what material do you think they were:
  • the cardboard: because the cardboard is impenetrable and being impenetrable it is easy to go through.
  • cardboard: because cardboard is penetrable and being penetrable it is easy to pass through.
  • carton straw: because the cardboard straw is impenetrable and being impenetrable it is difficult to cross.

Question 7

Read the following and answer the question: Inability of bodies to modify by themselves the state of rest or movement in which they are. According to the above, which of these is a clear example of inertia:
  • Read the following and answer the question: Inability of bodies to modify by themselves the state of rest or movement in which they are. According to the above, which of these is a clear example of inertia:
  • a concrete wall, you can't get through it by hand.
  • How much do the pasta weigh

Question 8

Which of these options shows that the rest are immersed?
  • Tomorrow I'm going to have a sleepover at Camila's house and I'm super excited because we're going to stay up
  • Girls I'm sleepy, are we going to sleep? If I'm sleepy too, we should sleep * fall asleep *
  • Goodbye teacher happy weekend, well now I have time to rest like the poor computer * you turn off the computer *

Question 9

Read the following paragraph: Physical changes are those that modify the appearance or presentation of matter, but never its composition. Some more common examples of physical changes in matter are: crumpling a piece of paper or stretching a ball of clay to the maximum. According to the above mentioned which of these is a physical change:
  • make popsicles
  • make a fire
  • do the digestion

Question 10

In chemical changes, new substances are produced totally different from the initial substances. Let's see for example: in the case of the complete combustion of a combustible material such as firewood, the final products are: carbon dioxide (gas), water vapor, energy in the form of light and heat and ash. In the previous paragraph, what is a clear example of a chemical change?
  • apply perfume
  • photosynthesis
  • break a mirror
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