Created by jesse.bryant.711
almost 12 years ago
Bones and muscles 1
5 functions:supportblood cell productiontransport of minerals and lipidsleverage protection
2 skeletons:Axial - skull sternumappendicular - shoulder
long bonesshort bonesflat bonessutaral bones- skullirregular bonessesamoid bones
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Bone histology 4 main partsHard matrixbone cellscanaliculiperostium-membrane covering outer surface
epitheseal growth. top of the bone grows outlengthand change in diameter.
Bone cellsOsteocytes: in mature bone. repair and regenerates calciumOsteoblasts: Production of boneOsteoclasts:Resorption of bone during growth
compact bone:harvesin systemLamelle;rings around central canallacunae: spaces between bone containing osteocytescanalicuni: network of canals between lacunae allowing transport of nutrients and waste
Spongey bones:trabeculae: odd platesLucanae Lies here
osteons in diaphysis
osteons in part of bone where not stressed
bone markings:elevations where ligaments and tendons attatch to bone
more stress on bone makes stronger. body weight maintainsand less than body weight bones brittle
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