

Note on biology, created by samlouisejackson on 12/05/2013.
Note by samlouisejackson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by samlouisejackson over 11 years ago

Resource summary

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an idividual living thing is know as an oganismaa species is a group of living things that are able to inter breed the 7 characteristics that are comon to all living things are growth movement nutrition excretion annd repoduction

all organisms are made up of units called cells  living things are sub divided into animal and plant ainimals are sub devided into verebrates  (backbone) and none vertibrates (( none back bone )

the cell  cells differ in shape function and size aniamal cells have a cytoplasm nucleous  and membrane plant cells have a cell  wall the cytoplasm is the fluid of the cell the nulcous contains the genes t=and controls the growth of the cell a microscope is needed to view cells a stain such as iodine can be used to dye the cell and make it easier to see tissue forms organs and organs form sytems sytems combine an indiviual

range of food an ainimal eats is known as its diet

function of food is to provide energy and material growth

there are 5 types of food  carbohydrate  vitamins  minerals fats protein

protien is needed as a growth material for the body

food contains chemical energy

to test the presence of fats place butter into brown paper rub butter in and allow t dry repeat with another piev=ce of brown paper but with water instead hold piece of paper to the light note relut


an emzyme is a bio0logical cataalyst digestive emzynmes break down food  amylase is an example of a a digestive emzyme found in saliva

4 stages ofv digestion  are : eating  digestion  absorptiion  and elimination of undigested food 

physical digestion occurs in the mouth and in the stomach

the alimentary canal is a tube that carries food through the body 

energy is require by all living things 

plants use sunlight as a energy to make a subtace called glucose

cellular respiration is the prcess that extracts engergy from glucose

aerobic respiraton requires the presense of oxygen

heat is realsesd during respiration

SHOW GERMINATING PEA SEE REALESES HEAT ENERGY note tempature in both flasks  over a weekly report make a reacord of the tempature in each flask  make a graph showing tempatures

to show the pessense of water in air  dry the seface of the mirror brethe on the mirror and notice how it becomes foggy gentally press the cobalt chloride papeer onto the dampness of the mirror  note result

breathing is also known as external respiration

breathing is also known as external 


the function of the breathing sytem is to take in oxygen to tet out  carbon dioxide and water vapour

air enters the lungs when the diafram moves downwards

oxygen gas leavesw the alveoli and enter the blood stream 

carbon dioxide leave the alveoli and enter the bood stream



digestive sytem


brething sytem

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