Odysseus builds his raft


This is just a work in progress of my revision for the Odyssey. Feel free to have a look but I will be updating the books and attachments with notes regularly. The Odyssey is part of the sylabus for Classical Civilisation GCSE. Enjoy.
Note by amayagn, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by amayagn almost 11 years ago
Copied to Note by amayagn almost 11 years ago

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She gave him a bronze double axe  that fitted his hands well, one with its blades both sharpened, its fine olivewood handle firmly fixed, and a polished adze as well. She led the way to the fringes of the island where stands of alder, poplar, and fir rose to the sky: dry, well-seasoned timber that would ride high in the water. When she had shown him where the tall trees stood, Calypso, the lovely goddess, turned for home, while he began felling timber, making rapid progress. He cut down twenty trees in total, trimming them with the axe: then he smoothed them dextrously, and made their edges true.

The Odyssey

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