unit 4 the accounting cycle


4-1 Source document 4-2 Accounting journals 4-3 Ledger (T-Accounts) 4-4 Trial balance 4-5 Financial Statements
Note by brittanydavidson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by brittanydavidson over 10 years ago

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source document : invoice ,receipt, deposit slip' check counterfoil, statement, payment conformation, (proof) including time and date

Invoice: Bills, you owe someone or someone who owes you

2.Receipts: confirm that services or goods have ben recieved

3.Deposit slip: proof that cash has been deposited in a bank account

4.Check counterfoil: part of the check kept by the drawer

5.Statement: report showing the amount owed by one buisness to another, details between the companies

6.Payment Conformation: proof of internet transactions

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