Ideological Differences-Stalin vs Truman (History)


This is a brief description about Ideological Differences-Stalin vs Truman. In addition, there is a GLOSSARY in this page make sure you read the meaning of the words so you can understand the description. Make sure to add me as a friend if you want any help for people that is the same age as me or under.
Note by celiklucy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by celiklucy over 9 years ago

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Ideological differences-Stalin vs Truman:The past US president was Roosevelt. Roosevelt died in 1945 and he wanted to replace Harry S Truman as the new president of the US. Truman was a person that was completely anti-Communist and had a lot in mind. Therefore, the war came to an end and the relationship between America and Russia fell apart. Summary: Eventually, Harry S truman became the president of the US and he figured to resist Communism. These were his words that he reported to his advisers were: ''The Russians understand only 1 language- how many armies have you got? I'm tired of babying the soviets''. But this was not the only cause of trouble. Historians trusted that the wartime bond between the Soviet Union and America was also ruined by the vast differences between the two countries.Glossary:Politics-America was Capitalist, Russia was communist.Lifestyle- America had freedom and a two party democracy; Russia had secret police and a one-party state.Aims-America wanted Germany to recover as a trading partner;Russia wanted to weaken Germany and create a defence zone of friendly states about Russia.Communism-a argument or system of social method in which all property is owned by the community and each person shares and receives according to their ability and needs.Anti-communism-The definition of anti communism means being against the idea of a society where there is a common control of all production, and everything is shared and belongs to all. An example of anti communism is a strongly democratic society where production is privately-owned.Capitalist-an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.Anti-Capitalist-Anti-capitalism encompasses a wide variety of movements, ideas and attitudes that oppose capitalism. Anti-capitalists, in the strict sense of the word, are those who wish to replace capitalism with another type of economic system.The collapse of the wartime alliance led to a Cold War between the two superpowers.

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