B1 - Diet and Metabolic Rate


Note on B1 - Diet and Metabolic Rate, created by unluckycat76 on 06/01/2015.
Note by unluckycat76, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by unluckycat76 almost 10 years ago

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A balanced diet will keep you healthy. The food you eat must provide enough energy you need for every day. ·         Carbohydrates  --> release energy (E.G. bread, pasta, rice) ·        Fats --> keep warm and release energy (E.G. in meats and cheese) ·         Protein --> growth, cell repair and replacement (E.G. meat, fish, eggs,        nuts) ·         Fibre --> improve digestion (E.G. wheat) ·         Vitamins and minerals --> keep skin, bones and blood healthy. (E.G. fruit,  vegetables, milk) The metabolic rate can vary depending on AGE, GENDER, PROPORTION OF MUSCLE TO FAT, AMOUNT OF EXERSISE and GENERIC TRAITS.     TYPE OF FOOD                                         AMOUNT FOR A BALANCED DIET Grains & Cereals                                                          Eat the most Fruits & Vegetables                                                     Eat alot Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Fish, Dry Beans and Dairy      Eat moderately Fat, Oil, Salts, Sweet                                                    Eat the least

The healthier you are and more you exercise the higher your resting METABOLIC RATE will be.  Having a balanced diet involves two things ·         Eating the right types of food ·         Eating the right amount of foodMETABOLIC RATE – the rate at which chemical reactions occur in the body.DIET – the kind of food humans, animals or communities eat.If you do not eat enough·         Irregular periods in women·         Reduced resistance to women·         Deficiency decreases·         Affects growthIf you eat too much·         Obesity, weight gain (can cause heart problems)·         Diabetes – unable to control your blood sugar levels.·         Arthritis – causes pain in joints·         High blood pressure

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