Med Eth


Cambridge IGCSE TP (Medical Ethics) Note on Med Eth, created by Konrad O'Neill on 15/07/2013.
Konrad O'Neill
Note by Konrad O'Neill, updated more than 1 year ago
Konrad O'Neill
Created by Konrad O'Neill about 11 years ago

Resource summary

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ABSOLUTISMSanctity of Life-'image of God'-Thou shall not kill Personhoodat conception-ensoulment~Gen2:7~Adam's nose isPlaying Gog (Rights)-'Hannah hath no children because the lord hath closed her womb'-Before you were knitted in the womb God knew you'

RC-section-NML and/or "double effect"

NML= things good if they fufil their purpose

SituationistAgape (self) loveJoseph Fletcher- topic specific

SecularistsHarm PrincipleYou can do anything you want as long as you don't harm others-Doesn't include psychological harm-Doesn't impose arbitory rulesUtilitarianism- BenthamGreatest hapiness for greatest number-seems fair-you make one person suffer for the many~ Tyrrany of the majority-can't measure hapiness-ambiguous~consequences hard to predictSingersentient- aware of pain and pleasurebiographical awareness- aware of past,present and future

Topics & Key InfoEuthanasia-Passive ~ withdraw treatment/natural-Active ~ help someone~ Dignitas/Daniel James-Voluntary ~ 'living will'-Involuntary ~ "Permanent Vegitive State"-Palliative Care (Hospices) ~ Baroness Warnock~old people should die cos they are a waste of spaceCloning-Theraputic~ health, organ created-Reproductive-Methods~embryonic vs adult stem cellsAbortion-When foetus becomes human-Ensoulment-Pro choice~ Juvis Davis Thomson, women can do what they want with their body-Rape-Severe HandicapFertility Treatment-IVF~embroy and sperm wasted-AID (3rd party)~ cost, success, selective-AIH-Surrogacy~3rd party-Gay couples/old peopleSuicide-Saul ~ coward, falls on sword-Samson ~ kills himself to kill Israelites, heroAnimal Testing-Dominion~ have control of animals-Stewardship~ we are to look after animals and the world-Cosmetic vs Theraputic

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