Medical Ethics


Mind including all the Medical Ethics key words with quotes and Christian points of view
Amy Faulkner
Mind Map by Amy Faulkner, updated more than 1 year ago
Amy Faulkner
Created by Amy Faulkner over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Medical Ethics
  1. Sanctity of life- The belief that human life is special and holy
    1. "God made man in his own image"
    2. Abortion- The deliberate termination of a pregnancy
      1. Unacceptable- "Before I was born the Lord chose me"
        1. Acceptable- "Breathed into his nostrils the breath of life"
          1. Unacceptable- "Thou shall not kill"
          2. Euthanasia- The painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable illness
            1. Active- Purposely ending the life
              1. Acceptable- "Love thy neighbor"
                1. Unacceptable- "Thou shall not murder"
                2. Passive- Stopping treatment that is keep them alive
                  1. Acceptable- "There are seasons for everything...There is a time to be born and a time to die"
                3. Suicide- The act of deliberately killing oneself
                  1. Unacceptable- "There is a time to be born and a time to die
                    1. Some may not judge- "The lord is full of compassion"
                    2. Therapeutic Cloning- Creating copies of cell and organs
                      1. Acceptable- "Love thy neighbor"
                        1. Unacceptable- "There is a time to be born and a time to die"
                        2. Reproductive Cloning- The deliberate production of Genetically identical individuals
                          1. This doesn't really happen a lot
                            1. Unacceptable- "The lord is creator of them all"
                            2. Animal Testing- Using animals for medical testing
                              1. Acceptable- "Till the earth and keep it"
                                1. Unacceptable- "God made the wild animals"
                                2. Animal rights- The way that animals should and deserve to be treated despite the fact they do not have souls
                                  1. "God made man in his own image"
                                  2. Fertility Treatments- Methods or procedures that increase the chance of pregnancy
                                    1. Unacceptable- "The lord had closed her womb"
                                      1. Acceptable- "Be fruitful and increase in number"
                                      2. Miscarriage- When a pregnancy is terminated due to natural casuses
                                        1. "The Lord kept her from having Children"
                                        2. Hospice- A place where terminally ill patients are cared for
                                          1. "Love one another"
                                            1. "You shall open your hand to your brother, to the needy"
                                            2. Dominion- The belief that humans have control over nature
                                              1. "Till the earth and keep it"
                                              2. Stewardship- The belief that God has given human the responsibility to look after nature
                                                1. "God made the wild animals"
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