Volunteer Communications


Volunteerism Mind Map on Volunteer Communications, created by Nancy Cook on 22/05/2014.
Nancy Cook
Mind Map by Nancy Cook, updated more than 1 year ago
Nancy Cook
Created by Nancy Cook over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Volunteer Communications
  1. Social Media
    1. YouTube Channel
      1. Facebook
        1. Twitter
          1. LinkedIn
            1. Pinterest
            2. Society Source
              1. Team Collaboration / Sharepoint
                1. ENews
                2. Print Materials
                  1. Program Newsletters
                    1. Triumph
                      1. Division Newsletters
                        1. Direct Mail
                        2. Verbal / Face to Face
                          1. Conferences / Meetings
                            1. Teleconferences
                              1. Phone call support
                              2. Program Based Communications
                                1. Relay For Life
                                  1. Relay Enews
                                    1. Relay Nation
                                      1. Relayforlife.org
                                        1. Event Communications
                                          1. TC Dashboard
                                          2. Making Strides
                                            1. ACS CAN
                                              1. Road, Reach, LGFB
                                                1. Hope Lodge
                                                  1. Hospital Systems
                                                    1. Corporate
                                                    2. Volunteer Learning Center
                                                      1. Email
                                                        1. Enterprise / Program
                                                          1. Division
                                                            1. Local
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