Liberal Reforms


gcse History Mind Map on Liberal Reforms, created by Tomiwa Oko-Osi on 13/05/2013.
Tomiwa Oko-Osi
Mind Map by Tomiwa Oko-Osi, updated more than 1 year ago
Tomiwa Oko-Osi
Created by Tomiwa Oko-Osi over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Liberal Reforms
  1. Why?
    1. To get more votes in The House Of Commons
      1. Because their rival countries, (America and Germany) were becoming better than them
        1. To improve national efficiency.


          • The Boer War (1899-1902) showed this. 1/3 of the men who joined up to fight in the Boer War were sent back due to poor health. As well as this 60% of the men who joined up in Manchester were also sent back for the same reason.
        2. What
          1. Elderly
            1. Old Age Pensions


              • * Passed in 1908 * Had to be 'deserving' (not have a record for alcohol, laziness etc.) * Have to be >70 * Have to earn less than £21 a year * Pension = 5 Shillings p/w per person * Couples = 7 Shillings, 6d p/w * Discourages elderly from saving for retirement * Lord Salsbury disliked pensions
            2. Children
              1. Children's Charter


                • * Collection of measures in 1908 * Helped neglected children * Stopped kids from buying alcohol, tobacco and fireworks * They had a curfew and made sure there was no prostitution * Borstals helped reformed young peeps * Probabtion System set up for young offenders * Working hours restricted * Illegal for children to do certain jobs
                1. School Meals Act


                  • * Introduced by a Labour back bencher * Introduced in 1906 * 1914- Provided 150,000 free school meals a day
                  1. Free school medical inspections


                    • * Introduced 1907 * To get treatment you had to pay until 1912 * But you got free treatement TB * Checked up once a year
                  2. Labour Exchanges


                    • * Act introduced in 1909 * Set up in 1910  * Was like a job centre  * 1914 - 400 exchanges set up which filled millions of vacancies p/y
                    1. Trade Boards Act


                      • * Introduced in 1909 * Helped low-paid workers in 'sweated trades' * Made minimum wage for these trades compulsory
                      1. National Insurance Act
                        1. Health Insurance


                          • * Introduced in 1911 * Covered all workers earning £160 or less a year * Covered much of working class population (16,000,000) * Worker = 4d a week   Government = 2d a week   Employer = 3d a week   Total = 9d a week of insurance/ approx. £2 a year * When ill/unable to work, worker could claim payments of 10 shillings a week for 26 weeks * Also included maternity benefit
                          1. Unemployment Insurance


                            • * Work of Churchill* Only available in Britain* Made to protect men in industries and seasonal unemployment (e.g. ship building and engineering)* Covered 2,500,000 workers* Worker and employer = 2.5d a week * Unemployed: Worker = 7 shillings a week for 15 weeks
                        2. Were they effective?
                          1. Ya


                            • * "Lifting the shadows of the workhouse." - Lloyd George commenting on the Old Age Pensions* Able to get the government involved in the poor people's daily life.* Although very little, people were grateful for the reforms and the reforms were popular* Free TB treatment * Social Service state * Enabled a healthier and more educated future workforce * Reforms set up the responsibility of the state (brought the poor people to the government's attention)
                            1. Nuh-uh


                              • * Didn't become a welfare state (till after WWII) * National Health Service not set up till 1948 * Work Houses not abolished til 1929 * People still punished for being poor (Poor Law not abolished till 1929) * Role of Lloyd George slightly exaggerated * Payments didn't last long (max. 26 weeks but usually 16) * Money was being taken away from the poorbefore they could get their hands on it. * People in sweated trades only got minimum wage
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