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To what extent was Mussolini in control of Italy by 1928?
A Levels History (Fascist Italy 1915-1945) Mind Map on To what extent was Mussolini in control of Italy by 1928?, created by Eva Clifton on 27/04/2014.
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fascist italy 1915-1945
a levels
Mind Map by
Eva Clifton
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Eva Clifton
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
To what extent was Mussolini in control of Italy by 1928?
Society and Leisure
Dopolavoro - controlled leisure activities, influenced workers towards a Fascist way of life; soccer clubs, 1,350 theatres, 2,000 dramatic societies
OND - national after work group, aimed to raise living standards and aimed to 'brainwash' Italians - set up on Labour day in order to rival socialists
controlled the Ministry of Economics until 1927
It had a lot of control - 300,000 members in the first year and 4,000,000 by 1939
They didn't focus too much on Fascist ideology
Attempts to control behaviour didn't work - greeting wasn't changed
Personal Rule
Mussolini made laws by decree
the King lost the right to select the Prime Minister
Mussolini purged people who disagreed with him out of the Fascist Party - or sent them away e.g. Italo Balbo was sent to Libya
the Fascist Grand Council was created - later replaced the Cabinet
Officials were promoted to high positions - people joined the Fascist Party to get better careers
Mussolini controlled the judges by blackmailing them into being sympathetic towards Fascism
The King was still able to sack Mussolini - he didn't until 1943
People were suspicious towards the government
People in the South didn't understand messages from Rome - illiteracy was still a problem
Removal of Opposition
They had prison camps on islands
People were arrested with charges of conspiracy
Censorship - anti-Fascist propaganda was treason, journalists had to register with the government
OVRA - secret police, 2,000 actions weekly, had informants and agents
10,000 people in internal exile 'confino'
50,000 armed militia; squadristi violence reduced after 1925
Comparison with Hitler and Stalin
less prisoners than Nazis (5,000 compared to 100,000s)
not systematic
make opponents conform instead of being brutal
400 killed by legal means
didn't repress as much as Stalin and Hitler
Control of the Media
Mussolini was glorified with photography and his visual image
Heavy censorship - mostly done by newspaper editors
LUCE - set up to produce documentaries and newsreels
The government intervened with the film industry - part of Autarky policy
Newspapers were attacked by squaristi - some journalists and editors were arrested
The only press agency was run by a Fascist
Fascist newspaper only had 10% of circulation
The amount of official broadcasts increased in the 1930s
Propaganda and the Cult of Personality
Mussolini was portrayed as heroic and fit (he wasn't)
Most people were sceptical of the 'Cult of Ducismo', but it did help to convince people there was no alternative to Fascism
Italians were told that foreigners liked Mussolini - they didn't
Fascism and the Catholic Church
Improved relations
Pope withdrew from politics
Popoolari - Catholic party formed in 1923
Lateran agreements - 1929
Support for invasion of Ethiopia - 1936
Catholicism recognised as state religion
Dsiputes over Catholic action youth group (1931)
Papal opposition to anti-Semitism (1938)
Fascism and anti-Semitism
1938 - Italian Fascism became closer to Nazi Regime
lots of members of anti-Fascist group 'Justice and Liberty' were Jewish
July 1938 - Jews declared as non-Italians
August 1938 - Jews banned from state schools
October 1938 - banned from Fascist Party
November 1938 - banned from marrying non-Jews - however this law was inconsistent
November 1943 - 7,500 Jews sent to concentration camp
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