

Mind Map on Intelligence, created by lb1404315130 on 25/04/2014.
Mind Map by lb1404315130, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lb1404315130 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Nurture
    1. Nature
      1. Family Resemblance Studies
        1. Close Genetic Make up=Close IQ
          1. Twins raised in different environments
            1. eliminates nurture debate
              1. adoption
              2. Bouchard & McGue (1981)
                1. Review of 111 worldwide studies
                  1. Mono Twins reared together= 0.86
                    1. Mono Twins reared apart= 0.72
                      1. More than Di twins reared together suggests genetic influences
                      2. Di Twins reared together= 0.60
                        1. Sibling reared together= 0.47
                          1. Siblings reared apart= 0.24
                            1. Cousins=0.15
                              1. Average Correlations of IQ
                              2. Bouchard & McGue (1990)
                                1. Minnesota Twin Study
                                  1. 70% of IQ scores= Genetic Inheritance
                              3. Methodological Criticisms
                                1. Kamin (1977)
                                  1. Difficult to control environmental influences
                                    1. Adoption
                                      1. Different environment not guaranteed
                                        1. Similar family environments
                                        2. Infants not separated from birth
                                          1. Same womb experience
                                      2. Self-selecting sampling techniques
                                        1. Exaggeration of similarities
                                        2. Different IQ tests
                                          1. Can't compare results
                                        3. Experimenter Bias
                                          1. Validity
                                            1. Cyril Burt...Rejected
                                            2. Overly genetic interpretation of data
                                              1. Neglect environmental influences
                                              2. Selective Breeding
                                                1. Thompson (1952)
                                                  1. "Maze-bright" rats
                                                    1. 6th generation= 80% fewer mistakes
                                                    2. "Maze-dull" rats
                                                    3. Henderson (1970)
                                                      1. Enriched environmental conditions
                                                        1. rats won't always improve
                                                          1. Some rats improved, suggests interaction between genetic abilities and environmental experience
                                                          2. obstacles to find food
                                                          3. Cannot selectively breed humans
                                                            1. Problems generalising results to humans
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