Control in Nazi Germany


Facts about Edelweiss Pirates, Propagranda, SA (Brownshirts), SS, the nuremburg laws, the Berlin Olympics and Kirstallnacht.Comment below If this helps you :)
Evangeline Taylor
Mind Map by Evangeline Taylor, updated more than 1 year ago
Evangeline Taylor
Created by Evangeline Taylor over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Control in Nazi Germany
  1. Edelweiss Pirates
    1. Youth group was against Nazis
    2. Propaganda
      1. Burnt Anti-nazi ideas books
        1. Speeches
          1. Reich Radio
          2. SA
            1. SA was led by Rohm
              1. The Brownshirts
              2. Help Hitler Gain power
                1. Beat up People and terrorise people
                2. SS
                  1. SS led by Himmler
                    1. Gestapo
                      1. Concentration Camp
                      2. Gestapo used and encourage informers
                        1. To get information about people
                          1. And there view on Hitler and also the Nazis
                      3. The Nuremburg Laws
                        1. Ban Jew from Marrying Non-jewish partner
                          1. 1935
                          2. The Berlin Olympics
                            1. 1936
                              1. Less anti-jewish as lot of countries in Germany
                              2. Kirstallnacht
                                1. Smashed Jewish Business
                                  1. 9-10th November 1938
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